Chapter Six

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     “We've got to get out of here!" Harry said strongly.

     I looked at him in amusement at the fact that he responded to my previous statement like that. I say that I love him, now we have to get out of here. That's not really fair to me, we both wanted out of here before I said anything.

     “Uh... yeah, of course." I said. I guess I'm a little disappointed that he didn't say something like I love you too Christina, let's run away together! Who wouldn't be, I mean look at him.

     “Well any ideas?" He said very seriously.

     “Yeah actually, let's just politely ask to leave their horror house and prance out the front door!" I said sarcastically.

     “Where did that come from?" he asked in amusement.

     Oh I don't know... I say I love you and you just ask me for ideas on how to escape?

     “Sorry, I'm just a little shook up right now you know." I said, trying not to show my disappointment.

     “Yea I know," he said, “ I am too."

     “Well let's figure this out then!" I said.

     Just after I spoke a large man came in and stormed towards me. I screamed as loud as I possibly could as he untied me and threw me over his shoulder. He started carrying me towards the door.

     “No!" Harry shouted.

     “HARRY, HELP ME, PLEASE!" I squealed in fear.

     “Christina, I'll save you I promise! I... I love you too!" He screamed.

     That was the last thing I heard. I woke up in a glass box. The man that took me away was standing next to me on the outside of the box. I looked forward from the box to see a few dozen chairs lined up in three rows. Each filled with  foreign and anxious looking adults.

     Next I look to my side without the guard. I turn to see at least five other glass boxes like mine, each holding a kid my age. Some male some female. I try to catch a glimpse of each, making sure Harry isn't in any of them.

     Finally, I look behind me. I was completely shocked at what I saw. There behind me was a large screen with the words Bidding begins in an hour! I suddenly realized what they were doing, they're selling us. We are just pieces in a psychopathic auction going up for bid.

     Under the screen were two very large men with guns., standing in front of a large case. Next to them was a man at a computer who must be the purchase counter.

     I look back towards the foreigners who must be the bidders. There was a short, fat, white man handing them each a bidding card with a number on it. I look back once more at the screen to notice a timer counting down now. Fifty minutes until bidding. What kind of sick man would think up something like this.

     I now notice that everyone is talking. I can't hear them and I'm not sure if they can hear me, do I try not to do or say anything. The timer is continuing to count down. I can't imagine what will happen to us once the bidding starts. Who will be first? Me? I don't know.

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