Chapter 15

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     We all piled into my dad's truck and sped to the hospital. My parents both sat in front and Harry and I sat in the back. I kept looking over at him so constantly I was practically staring. I wanted to make sure that be was okay, and nothing bad was going to happen.

     “Christina, I'm not feeling too good anymore." He said to me. He looked absolutely terrible. He was sweating bad and his face was a pale green. I reached out to feel for a fever and his forehead burnt my hand.

     “Harry, you have a terrible fever. Mom, is there anything we can do?"

     “No, I'm sorry. There's nothing in here. We're about two minutes from the hospital. Hang tight Harry. You'll be fine." She said reassuring us both.

     We haulted to a stop in the Emergency Department. My father was the first to get out and I followed. He ran around the truck to Harry and picked him up.  My dad is now carrying my boyfriend into a hospital! This is crazy, and I'm scared.

      He carried him to the front desk, and nurses came rushing into the room with a wheeled bed. My dad set Harry down and the nurses rushed Harry into a room. The doctor arrived immediately.

     “What happened?" The doctor asked, controlling his panicking quite well.

     “Its a long story, but he cut his foots in the woods and it bled a lot." I said.


     “Alright, thank you." He said to me.

     I responded by simply nodding. I was so worried. I began watching the clock frantically.

     After about a minute and thirty seconds, Harry's parents burst into the door.

     “Oh my baby! Are you okay?" His mother asked. I can tell she's extremely nervous.

     “I hope so," he said, “Mom, this is my girlfriend, Christina. Christina, this is my mother, Annabelle."

     “Nice to meet you Mrs. Styles, although I do believe we met once at the zoo field trip when we were in third grade."  We shook hands and she smiled at me.

     “You're the zoo girl? My gosh, don't tell him I'm telling you this, but Harry has talked about you almost everyday since." I blushed, hard! I giggled a little and looked over at Harry.

     “Thank you for telling me. The truth is, I've been doing the same thing." I admitted.

     We traded smiles and our conversation ended there. I guess we're both so worried about him to keep up a conversation well.

     “I'm afraid you're all going to have to step out of the room now. We must go into emergency surgery immediately." The doctor said.

     That was when I totally lost it.

     “Why do we have to leave? What's happening? What's wrong with Harry?" I shouted.

     “He's lost a lot of blood. He's foot has a severe infection that will spread up his leg if we don't stop it." He said.

     Harry's father now stepped in, “And how exactly are you going to do that?" He asked.

      “We're going to have to amputate."

     I started crying, we all did. A nurse came and pushed us all towards the door.

     “I love you Harry!"  I squealed.

     “I-I love you too Cupcake." He replied.

     Tears filled my eyes as I left the room. I didn't bother to get a chair, I dropped to the floor and cried my eyes out.

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