Chapter 12

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     I pulled him in close. We had a quick, delicate kiss and we continued to prance in the meadow. I began to run but I didn't get very far.

     Harry caught up to me and threw his strong arms around me, trapping my own against my waist. He picked me up off my feet and swung me in a few circles.

     He gracefully set me down and we kissed once more. This was something every girl dreams of happening to them in a relationship and I got it.

     It seems to me like a scene from a romantic movie. Like the ones where the couple stands in separate sides of a daisy field and run into each other's arms. I've always thought that those parts were romantic, although very cheesy. I thought that there's no way that would ever happen. Especially because everybody just so happens to be near a flower field at the right time.

     But the truth of the matter us, it is possible. It does happen. It's happening to Harry and I right now. And I'm enjoying every second of it.

      I realise now that I can see myself in the future with him. I can picture us living happily together for the rest of our lives. We can have cute little babies with dark and curly hair. We could be a perfect family.

    “We should get back..." he said.

     “Uh, yea." I said, still half caught-up in my little fantasy.

      Harry smirked at me and stepped right in front of me. He bent down, back towards me, and held out his arms backwards.

       “Hop on cupcake!" He said in a very cutesy voice.

       I giggled. “Cupcake?" I questioned as I hopped on his back.

     “Yes cupcake. That's my new nickname for you. I hope you like it because I'm sticking with it too." He gave me a mile-wide cheesy smile after he said it.

     “Alright, I'll be your cupcake." I gave him a wink and he smiled. I got lucky with him, he's too good for me.


     “Yes my angel?"

     “Shall we proceed?"

      “We shall!" I said happily.

        Harry carried me back across the meadow to the fence. He gently lifted me over it, and jumped over it himself. He took my hand and walked me back to the horror house porch.


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