Chapter 14

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We started walking further down the road. A shirtless boy with an injured foot and a messy haired, barefoot girl. Nope, we don't look suspicious at all.

The sun is almost completely down now. It barely lights the street, shining in a deep orange. It's quite beautiful actually, the different shades of individual colors filling the sky.

Although the colors are nice, I'm not prepared for sundown. It's already probably down to around 50°F. Washington doesn't get to warm. When the sun fully drops, it'll only be about 42° and it only gets cooler from there.

As much as I love the view, I wish Harry could have a shirt now. It's beyond cold, and I feel bad for him. I need to help him.

"Harry are you okay? You look cold." I asked lovingly.

"Yea, I'm fine Cupcake." He said. I know he's lying to me.

"No you're not Harry."

"Then why did you ask? Huh? You seem to know more than I do."

"I'm sorry I..." I trailed off.

"I'm freezing my ass off if that helps you at all! There's nothing we can do about it." He said strongly.


We were quiet for a while after that. Our skin is turning a pale purple. Mine more than his because I'm already quite pale. I honestly don't know what he sees in me, I'm definitely not the best he could do.

We walk for so long. It feels like days. We finally stop. The sun is peeking out just a bit over the horizon. In a few minutes it will be dark. And there is a possibility that we will die. I try not to think about it.

We rest our feet for a couple minutes, then continue our journey. We reach the top of a hill, and that's when we see it.

We're back to Seattle! We made it. We're on the smaller side of town, but it's within the city. I can see towers in the distance. We're home!

"We're home, we made it!" Harry squealed happily, it was actually quite cute.

"Harry we did it!" I shouted.

"Let's get you home, maybe we can warm up and explain things to your dad."

"Alright, but you should use our phone and call your parents. They're probably worried sick."

"Good idea."

We practically ran to my house. I beat on the door with what little energy I had left. My mom answered the door and tears filled her eyes.

"Christina! I'm so happy to see you, I was so worried. Are you okay?"

"Yes, mom I'm fine. But my friend Harry is hurt, and we need to talk to dad."

"Of course, he's in the kitchen."

I stepped past her into the house.

"Harry dear, are you okay? Would you like to come in?" She asked Harry.

"Oh yes, thank you Mrs. Jones."

"No problem sweetie!"

All three of us filed into the kitchen. My dad is sitting at the table drinking coffee. He smiled at us and we went through the whole "I was so worried" conversation like we had with mom. Finally we told him what had happened.

I told him about the parry, the kidnapping, the auction. About how Harry had saved me, and how he killed the man. And the crooked cops and our journey home.

My mom brought down one of my father's t-shirts for Harry. And he put that on and sighed happily.

"Thank you again Mrs. Jones."

After thinking for awhile, my dad decided that he needed to call a team to head out there and arrest the officers and help the victims.

He called. Seattle PD and explained the situation. They dispatched immediately and headed over.

The next problem on our hands is Harry's foot. My mom untied Harry's shirt from the wound and scoped it out.

The bleeding still hasn't stopped, and there is an infection beginning.

"Harry call your parents. We're going to change, and then you're going to the hospital." My mom almost sounded worried, as if she knew it was worse than it was, but didn't want to say anything. My mom should know exactly what's wrong. She was a doctor for six years, now she's a nurse.

Harry called his mother and told her everything. I went up to my room and changed into some jeans and a hoodie. I went back downstairs to get some shoes, then we were all ready to go .

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