Chapter 7

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     The timer now reads 45 minutes. One of the many things I don't understand is, how did I get in this glass box? I was being carried off and I woke up here. This thing has no door, no opening, no anything, it's just a glass box.

     This brings me to wonder how long I was out for. They could have built the boxes around us but that would take a while I would think. I rule that option out of the question. It's very unlikely that happened, although it is a very small possibility.

     I now think that maybe it has some sort of trap door. Maybe I was under this thing and i was lifted into it through a door in the floor. This seems like a good answer so u decide to go with it.

     I got down on my hands and knees and started to feel around every inch of the base of this box. I can't feel anything unusual but I know there is something under this. I begin to beat my fist into the ground, hoping something would happen. I finally realize I may not be getting out of this for a while.

     There must be some sort of holes or vent system in here somewhere because I can breathe fairly well. I look up at the glass ceiling and notice faint holes in it. There us about six different holes in two rows of three. If they gave me good air, they must be planning on keeping me in here for a while.

     The timer now reads 15 minutes. 15 minutes until me or one of these other kids will get auctioned off. Then they will most likely be taken away and be forced into doing things I don't want to think about. The people that put this thing together crazy psychopaths. How many times have they done this at other locations? Maybe they have secret locations all around the country where they do this!

     I can't help it anymore, I'm crying my eyes out. I'm crying for my parents, for Stacy,... I'm crying for Harry. The thought of him gives me pain. What could be happening to him right now? Where is he? Many, many horrific thoughts cross my mind and I wish I could freeze my mind.

     He promised me he would save me, he said he loved me. I need him now so bad. I wish he would break in the door and shut this thing down. I want him to be my hero. I want him to save me. I want him, no I NEED him.

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