Chapter 17

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     I woke up the next morning with dried tears coating my face. My eyes are swollen up red and my skin is paler than snow.

     I went to my bathroom and brushed out my hair and my teeth. I took a quick shower and washed my face.

     When I finished with all that, I trudged miserably back to my room. I put on some sweat pants and a tank top and threw my hair up in a loose ponytail.

     I sat on the corner of my bed and stared down at the floor. I kept thinking about what would've happened if harry would've made it. How we would be together forever and have beautiful curly haired children.

     But in reality, all that was too good to be true. I got one day with him. One day. What a pathetic excuse of a relationship, yet he was by far the best boyfriend I ever had.

     I decided to go downstairs and get myself some cereal. Cocoa Puffs are my favorite, but we're all out, so I made do with some Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I poured the cereal and added some milk. Then I dug in.

     I took my bowl out to the sink and rinsed it out. Then I heard a knock at the door. I wonder who it could be, both of my parents are at work.

     I took a frying pan from the rack and held it behind my back as I made it too the door. I unlocked it and slowly cracked open the door. It was Stacy!

     I opened the door wide open and embraced her in a huge hug. When we pulled away she looked at me in disgust.

     “What's wrong?" I asked.

     “You're not going to the party looking like that are you?" She said. I looked down. I'm so confused, why would they be having another party already, my story is probably all over the news by now.

     “What party?" I asked.

    “The party you promised me you would go to Christina! You didn't forget did you?"

     “I'm so confused right now Stacy." I said.

     “Harry's going to be there you know." She winked at me. 

     I absolutely lost it. “What the hell are you talking about Stacy? Harry is dead, he died last night!"

    “No, what are you talking about Christina? Why would you think that? I watched him and that cute Irish boy play soccer earlier today!" She said confusingly enough.

     “I don't underst-" and then it hit me.

      It was all just a dream, no, a nightmare.


So, I guess this is the end. #twistending But I'll definitely be writing more soon.

    What did you think of this one? Sorry if it wasn't that good.

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