Chapter 11

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     The sirens got really loud. We heard tires rub on the gravel, so we knew the police were here. Harry unlocked the door and ran out, I followed him because why not you know.


     Harry stops mid-yard and I stand just behind him. I grab his hand as I peak around his shoulder. His eyes locked on the front police car, labeled as the County Sheriff.

     The car door clicks open and a boot drops to the gravel. The man, who I'm assuming is the sheriff, steps out of the vehicle. He makes his way over to us.

     “We arrived as soon as we could. Is everyone okay?" He said with a deep heavy voice.

     “Um, I think we're okay. There's a few victims inside with some bruises and possible concussions." Harry said very intelligently.

     “Oh, Sheriff," Harry stopped.

     “Yea kid?" The Sheriff asked.

      “You might find a couple bodies. They're not all dead." Harry said extremely hesitantly.

      “Alright. Thanks for the heads up...." he said.

      “I'm Harry, and this is my girlfriend Christina." Harry said. I blushed a little.

     “Nice to meet you both. I'm Jerry Edwards, the sheriff of this here town."

     “Sheriff, pardon my asking, but where exactly are we?" I asked.

     “We're in Cobblelake, Washington. You've probably never heard of it, we're real small." he said as if he were proud of his town.

     “We're from Seattle." I said.

     “Good to have you, sorry for the unfortunate circumstance of our acquaintance." He said shaking our hands. “I best get started on this investigation."

     “Let me know if you need any help sir." Harry said.

     “I will son, thank you." He said as he ordered his team into the house. “Stick around though, well need to take you in for questioning."

     Harry only nodded. I looked around at the property and noticed something I hadn't seen before, a large field of flowers a few yards past the fence bordering the property. 

     I pointed it out to Harry. He looked out at it for just a second before breaking into a sprint. I just watched him for a moment and he looked back at me.

     “C'mon, it'll be fun!" He shouted.

     I smiled at him and began to run towards the field. I caught up to him and he started running again with me. We made it to the fence and Harry helped me over. He hopped over it with ease and took my hand.

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