Chapter Five

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     We each sat on the floor staring at each other, each with a wrist knotted against a post. Even from across the dull room I could see the bright green in his hypnotic eyes. I think he caught me gazing at them because he started to blush a little.

      “Harry?" I asked slowly, wondering if we were now aloud to speak.

     “Y-Yes Christina?" He asked slowly too. He's probably just as scared as me, if not more.

      “Well um... d-do you know what's going on here?" I asked hoping he would have an answer, although I knew what it was.

      “I haven't got a clue," He said shyly.

     “Do you think they're going to h-hurt us?"

     “I don't know!" He half yelled. I've never seen him like this.

    I feel so stupid! Of course he's never been like this, how many times did I think he's been kidnapped with me. Tears filled my eyes as I tried to hold back my sobs.

     “I'm so sorry," he said, as if he were disappointed in himself for yelling at me.

     I wish I could reach him. I wish I could comfort him and tell him it's not his fault. I want to be with him.

     I tried to think of something else, but the only thing that was on my mind was Harry. I tried to start off with simple stuff. What's my favorite color? Bright green. That obviously wasn't helping so then I tried to remember instead of think. What's the cutest thing I've ever seen? Harry holding that puppy he had saved in third grade, of course! I wish I could make my brain stop because now every little thing reminds me of him somehow. I don't even know him that well.

     I decided if a can't comfort him  physically, I have to verbally. I tried to think of something to say to him that didn't just tell him I like him.

     “Its not your fault," I said, “ we shouldn't have to go through this, nobody should, but we're here now."

     He continued to look down. I talked myself into giving him a compliment now. I hope it would make him happier instead of make him think that I like him.

     “You have very nice eyes." I said hoping my compliment would cheer him up. I looked up as he began to speak.

     “You don't have to do this for me you know, it's not your fault I'm here." He said it with such raspy tone, honestly I loved it.

     “I'm sorry," I said.

     “Don't be, your only trying to help." He said.

     “Harry..." I said without thinking first.


     “I love you."

    Note: I don't want to ruin the moment here or anything, but do you think it was too early for this scene? You know the whole Ily thing?

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