Chapter 13

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     Sheriff Edwards stepped out of the house. He made his way over too us with a depressed look on his face.

     “Is something wrong Sir?" I asked impatiently, yet compassionately.

     “Well, I'm afraid there is miss. You see, that man that you two claim started this mess, is my brother." Edwards said.

    My jaw dropped.

     “I'm so sorry." Harry said. It's now sinking in that Harry didn't just hurt him, he killed him. He made him suffer. He is now dead, and we are speaking with his brother.

     “I understand that you did what you had to do son, and I respect that. But the thing about small towns like us is, family sticks together no matter what." His expression now malice and aggressive.

    Harry looked terrified, I couldn't imagine what I must've looked like.

     Harry murmured something to me but I couldn't hear him.

     “What?!" I whispered.

     “Run Christina!" Harry shouted.

     Sheriff Edwards pulled his gun on Harry and I froze. I feel pain and fear, but no tears are falling. Anger builds up inside of me. He begins to tell us that he will imprison us or kill us, depending on how cooperative we are.

     “Damn, don't you know that crooked cops are so cliche?" Harry said. He smirked for a split second before jabbing the sheriff in the throat.

     Harry snatched the gun in one hand, and my arm in the other. He ran as fast as he could away, pulling me with him. I tried to keep up, but I kept tripping over my feet.

     I looked back, all I could see was officer after officer filing out of the house. They piled into their cars and blazed the sirens.

     I guess Harry noticed them too, because he pulled us into the woods. We ran for so long, we slowed down a good bit now. We finally stopped and rested under a tree.

     “We're in a deep mess now Christy."

     “I guess so. Why us though, why is all of this happening to us?" I asked.

     Harry broke down. I saw him tearing up, and I put my arm around him.

     “Its all my fault! I killed him! We wouldn't have to run and hide like this if I would've just injured him! I had him on the ground, we could've just tied him up or something. It's all my fault, I'm so sorry!" Harry cried in anger and guilt.

     “Don't think that Harry! You did what you had to do. I would've been dead if you didn't do what you did. You saved my life! Who cares what has happened here now, let's get home!" I said.

     “Then what? Washington police is after us now!" Harry replied.

     “My dad works in the FBI back home you know, he's dealt with cops gone bad before. He can help us! Everything is going to be fine!" I said, now trying to calm us both down.

     “Um... alright. I guess your right. We better get moving."

     He stood up and reached out for my hand. Of course I grabbed it, and he pulled me up.

     “Thanks cupcake." Harry said, with a cute boyish smile.

     “No, thank you Harry. I'm alive because of you. You saved us." I teared up a little and smiled.

     He smiled at me. I leaned towards him and through my arms around him. It was the warmest, nicest hug I've ever had. I didn't want to let go.

     So here we are, standing in the middle of a forest in a small town in Washington. We're being chased by a gang of crooked cops, but the only thing that matters right now is this moment. I'm never going to forget this hug.

     We started walking again. We decided to follow the direction of the sun, though it's beginning to set. The temperature is dropping rapidly and I know we shouldn't stay out here for too much longer.

     We walked for what seemed like hours. I didn't think it would ever end. We made smalltalk, and worked our way into deeper conversations. He told me about his family, his memories, his adventures. All of them were simply mesmerizing.

     Eventually we came to a road. I saw Harry grin. Apparently this is a sign that were getting closer to a city. We stepped on to the rough black asphalt. It was still rather warm from the sun bearing on it this morning. It felt nice on my bare feet.

     That led me to realise, that we have both been barefoot this hole time. I check the bottom of my feet for cuts or scrapes or blisters, but I find nothing. I see Harry looking at the sole of his left foot with a frightened look.

     “Harry, what's wrong?"

     “Its bad Christina, I don't know how it happened, but I didn't feel it until now." Harry said. He is definitely in pain.

     “What is it Harry?" I asked in fear. I ran over to him to see what was happening.

     He was right. It's terrible. There's a four inch gash running diagonally across his foot. Blood is practically oozing out of it. It looks very deep.

     “What happened?"

     “I told you, I don't know. It hurts like hell though."

     “It must've cut perfectly around you're nerves. You couldn't feel the cut because it was numb. You can feel it now because something you stepped on must've opened it up more so now there are loose nerves."

     “That's absolutely disgusting, how do you know all that?"

     “I learned it in health class sophomore year."

     “Well is there anything we can do for it now, before we can get to a hospital?"

     “We have to wrap it in something." I said.

     I started looking around for any large leaves that are big enough to tie. I have no luck though. I look back at Harry and my eyes fly to heaven.

     His shirt is completely off, revealing muscles I could never imagine Harry having. His abs so fit and tight. His biceps full of strength and beauty. And that v-line, whew I am so done.

     He is tearing strips off of his shirt. He then places a few around the cut and ties the ends. He layered it a few more times until he decided it was done. He smiled at me.

     “Will this work for now?" He asked.

     “That's um... that's perfect." I choked.

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