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"Aria, Aria please pick up!" Matthew shouted through the phone, impatient.

"You just have to wait, Matthew." Benjamin sighed as he leaned onto the brick wall.

Both Benjamin and Matthew had the opportunity to call Aria and warn about Paxton's search for her. The policeman stared at them in the eyes oddly while they waited.

"Who knows where she's at? Why are we doing this anyway?"

"To tell her to run and get the hell out of New York," Benjamin replied. "Everyone is going to look for her."

"Like we would ever care about her." Matthew scoffed. "We're already in jail because of the psycho!"

"Then it's best to tell her to run before she can't. And with the money she gave us we have to help her out."

Matthew sighed and waited a few more rings until Aria picked up.


Benjamin nudged Matthew on the arm to force him to speak. He cleared his throat. "Aria?"


"I-It's Matthew and Benjamin."

"Matthew?! Why the hell is the caller ID from the jail across the street?"

Matthew's hand grew sweaty."I-it's because-"

"Did you rat me out?!"

"Listen to me-"

"I swear if you ratted me out then you're going to get it."

Benjamin groaned and saw Matthew's uneasiness getting in the way of the call. He snatched the phone out of Matthew's hand and pressed it against his own ear. "Aria, listen. You're going to have to get out of where you are and start moving."

"Start moving, what are you even talking about?"

"They caught us, Aria. They're out to find you right now."

There was a pause.

"Just go, if you want to live." Benjamin's voice shook. He wanted her to be safe- not caring about his own life but caring for hers instead.

"Shit, I need them to lose track of me." Aria murmured.

"Delete yourself, everywhere on the web. Delete every file and record you have. You have to leave quickly as possible because Paxton is on his way to find you."

"Okay, okay. I'm going, damn."

"Be safe."

"Yeah, we're not going to count on that." Aria immediately hung up the call.

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