Chapter 21: "...better solution..."

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I was happy that things were comfortable between Yoongi and me, but I was still disappointed that he had not actually given me an answer.  I knew that my 'heat' was coming back up and I was becoming more anxious by the day.  I was trying to figure out what I was going to do without hurting Yoongi.  I decided ask Mi-lin and Ju-nin for help. Mi-lin's suggestion was for Yoongi to stay with her brother who would usually watch Jungkook and Jimin when she was in 'heat'. I had had him watch over Yoongi before, but Yoongi starts to get aggressive when I'm not there...which is something we decided to avoid so her brother doesn't watch him anymore.

Ju-min just suggested that I should seduce him so he can release his pent up 'inner animal'. Which I'm pretty sure is the exact opposite of what Yoongi would want me to do. So in the end I was still at a loss for what to do.

I walked out of my room the next morning to be greeting by Yoongi making himself a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I trudged sleepily over towards him to get some food for myself.

"Hey Yoongi." I yawned tiredly as I grabbed a bowl from the cupboard.

"Morn..." he started before his voice caught in his throat and he stared at me with wide eyes. I looked at him in confusion.

"Are you okay? Are you sick?" I asked in sudden concern as I set my bowl on the counter and quickly reached out for him, my hand grazing his arm. He seemed to be fighting himself as he took a step back from me.

"No, no, no its not that....its....uh...just that time...ya know?" he stammered. I recoiled in realization of what he was saying as I held my hand back to my chest.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry...I won't try to touch you again...but...I was wondering if instead of us locking ourselves away if we could...not? I know you haven't answered my question I asked you before, but I think that we should still try to find a better solution than locking you up. So I think we should try to carry on like we usually would, okay? Its only for a few days, and if it becomes too much, then you can lock yourself back in your room. Okay?" I proposed hopefully. I could tell he was seriously thinking about it since he was silent for a few moments before finally nodding.

"Okay, we can try." he replied lowly. "but if I feel like I'm losing it or if you feel threatened its over." I nodded affirmingly.

"Deal." I eagerly agreed. Anything was better than trying to talk to him through a closed door and having him locked away like some animal. I finished making myself breakfast and sat down across from Yoongi at the table where he had gone back to eating. I saw him tense up for a moment before settling back down when I sat down and began to eat. I kept an eye on him to see what he would do out of the corner of my eyes as I finished eating quickly so I could get ready for the day. He finished before me and put his bowl away before hovering in the room as I put my own dishes away. I heard a knock on the door as I walked into the living room with Yoongi right behind me. I went to the door and opened it. I grin stretched across my face as I saw who was waiting on the other side.

"I haven't see you in months! How are you?" I smiled brightly.

"Good." he chuckled at my excitement. "Mi-lin texted me and said you might need some help with Yoongi again." I shook my head quickly as Yoongi was now right by my side. His eyes narrowed at the man at the door.

"I don't need any help." he hissed causing the man to shake his head with a chuckle.

"You said that last time." he reminded.

"We have it under control this time." Yoongi affirmed as he slung and arm around my waist as if he was claiming me as his own, something I was shocked by since he I was on 'heat' and he usually wouldn't do more than just hold my hand, especially infront of other people.

"It's okay, we're trying to see how things play out for right now. I'll text or call you if anything happens, okay?" I asked trying to ease the tension as Yoongi was now giving him the death stare.

"Are you sure?" he asked me and I nodded again.

"I'm sure." I stated and he nodded in acceptance.

"Okay, but if anything, and I mean anything, happens let me know. I'll text you later, we should meet up soon." he replied. I nodded again starting to get eager for him to leave so Yoongi wouldn't tear his head off. Yoongi's grip around my waist was tightening by the second.

"I will, thank you, Namjoon. Yes, we should get together. Its been awhile and I'm sure we'll have plenty to talk about;" I said gratefully, a smile growing on my face. Namjoon gave us one last look before leaving and heading back to his card. I could see the studious eye he was giving as I slowly shut the door. Namjoon was Mi-lin's older brother. He didn't have any hybrids of his own, but still worked at a rehab for hybrids center. I really enjoyed talking with him and listening to his insight on hybrids. He really know a lot. I would often go to him for advise and for information on hybrids and on life.

The second the door was closed Yoongi backed me up against the door, placing his hands on either side of my head, blocking me from escape as he was less hand a foot from me, his breathing quickening.

"You aren't to meet with him." he told me darkly. I looked at him in confusion.

"Why not? Namjoon's a close friend and Mi-lin's brother. Why do you suddenly not want me to meet up with him to chat?" I inquired, my eyes narrowing.

"Because I didn't like how he was talking to you. He talked like you were only mine." he growled. my eyes widened. He was...jealous....and I was in some deep shit.

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