Cream gets taken again

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Everyone slowly walked over to Sonic, and looked down at Cream and Amy cuddling him. "My my, I never knew Sonic would be such an adorable monster," Rouge said with a smirk. She then rubbed his ear, and Sonic purred and grumbled. "Could you all...stop...petting me...please...?" Sonic asked slowly. "Okay," Cream saud as she pulled away, but she then quickly got on top of Sonic like a horse, and hugged his back. "Awwww, this is so cute," Silver smiled. "Anyway, we have to hurry up and get out of here before we lose anyone else." Blaze nodded. "He's right. We might not even be too far from the exit." Sonic then made a comment. "Well what about my cool blue look?" He asked. "I'm sure that when we get out, you'll be able to turn back to normal," Tails said. "Okay, if you're sure. You ready Cream?" Cream snuggled and nodded more. "I'm ready Mr. Sonic," she smiled. Suddenly, Sonic felt something. "Um...Cream, could you, get off for a second?" Cream did so and asked, "What's wrong?" Sonic sat like a dog, and started chewing his rear end and scratching his side. "Ugh, stupid fleas," he said. "Awwwwww!" Cream and Amy said. Eventually, they all went their way out. Shadow and Rouge took the lead with Silver and Blaze behind them, and with Knuckles and Tails behind them. And at the very back, was Sonic, carrying Cream, and being scratched behind the ears by Amy. "Now it is impossible for me to be scared now!" Cream said as she hugged Sonic. "Hehe, that's good Cream," Sonic said. "By the way, what happened to you Sonic?" Amy asked. "Oh, I don't know," Sonic said. "It all happened so fast. Not as fast as me, but fast. I got nabbed by Metal Sonic, and I got trapped in the capsule that Eggman put me in." "Were you scared Mr. Sonic?" Cream asked. "Well, a little," he said. "But I knew you guys would rescue me. And what happened to you guys?" Shadow looked back and said, "Don't ask." Tails looked back and said, softly, "It's a long story. We'll tell you later." Sonic nodded, and they continued walking. "Could Eggman be gone now?" Silver asked. "He may be. But I don't think Metal Sonic is," Knuckles said. "What happened to him by the way?" Rouge asked. No one knew. "He sort of...slipped away I guess," Amy asked. "I wouldn't worry," Shadow said. "There's nine of us, and one of him. And the doctor is gone. We'll deal with him when we find him." "Yeah, or when he finds us," Silver said. "Let's not get to worried. We're almost out," Blaze said. "And then after this...candy right?" Cream asked. Shadow looked back. "I thought you didn't want candy," he said. "I did...but now I want my tummy to be full of sugar," she smiled. Shadow smiled and shook his head. "Oh Cream. You can have all the candy you want when we get out," he said. "Yay!" She cheered. Suddenly, something grabbed her! Amy looked and screamed, and everyone looked back. It was Metal Sonic! Carrying Cream! "Let me go!" Cream shouted, squirming. Metal Sonic seemed to be sparkling electricity after they gave him a beating. Once Metal Sonic grabbed Cream, he put his mask over his face, and zoomed out to a door. Sonic stood up, and stretched his arm out toward her as everyone ran. "Don't let him get away!" Silver yelled. "Naw duh, Silver!" Knuckles shouted. Metal Sonic opened the door just as Sonic's hand nearly touched him! Metal Sonic then slammed the door on his hand hard, and Sonic howled in pain. "OW! Hey!" Sonic shouted. Suddenly, the stretching got to him, and he was being pulled by his arm, and he flung himself straight toward the door, smashing his head against it, banging it open. They all ran out the door, and Amy helped Sonic up. "So close...," Sonic said, rubbing his head. "It's okay. We'll get her," Amy said. "Uh...guys...," Tails began. "I don't think it'll be that easy." They all looked atraight ahead, and their eyes widened. In front of them...was a giant maze.

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