I got outta bed to go to school. I looked out the window. I saw frost, today wasn't supposed to be that cold, was it?

London was always cold tho, so I wasn't expecting it to be frosting this early in October.

I opened the window and was greeted with a cold chilling wind. I quickly closed it and got dressed.

I put on a pretty light purple hoodie, white jeans, and walked out the door.

I always left an hour early so I could go under my favorite tree. The Cheery tree.

I liked it there because I felt like I wasn't lonely when I was under the tree. I felt... almost understood, not alone like I had a friend.

You see everyone knows me, noticed how I dressed and knew I was gay.

I used to have friends too. I had a friend named Pj. He was the first person I told that I was gay.

He laughed at me, and then told the entire school.

"Hey, PJ?" I said looking over at him curiously. "Uhm.. can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, anything. I'm your best friend." He patted me on the back as he took a bite outta his sandwich. I bit my lip nervously and shut my eyes tight, hoping he'd accept me for who I am.

"Pj, I'm g-Gay" He looked at me with a straight face, but then it turned into a giant smile, and then that giant smile turned into a laugh.

He stood up on the table and Screamed. "I have an announcement, everyone!"

Everyone Turned there heads to face him. "This is hilarious ok?!"

Phil Lester- Our Phil Lester is Gay!" They all broke out into laughter. Everyone.

"Pj no- Why?!" I begged and begged for an answer but he just pointed and screamed at me

"Fag" and "Fagot" were all I heard that day. I ran and ran and ran. All the way outside.

I stopped. I saw this wonderful cheery tree. I walked up to it and sat down hoping for some sign of comfort, and I felt as if it was hugging me.

I snapped outta it. I never liked that day. Ever since that day I had problems trusting people.

Always afraid that they were gonna stab me in the back. Just like Pj had done to me.


It was almost time. I quickly came outta my thoughts. Looking around to see school was starting soon.

I was mentally preparing myself for the Homophobic Torture.

"Hey Fag!" I sighed. This was normal for me. Every day was the same. The same things said to me. Same things Everyday, all day 24/7.

"Hey, how you doing FAG!" He laughed at himself and pointed. His friends laughed along too. I hate it.

"Shut up" I begged. Why did It never stop?

"What did you just say to me...Faggot?!" His friends scooted up, getting ready to fight.

But here's the sad thing, This is Pj doing it to me. His little asshole minions who he calls 'Friends' just tagging along.

Acting like pissed off snakes showing their fangs about to strike their prey.

"Pj, please stop this. Can't you see you've done enough damage to me already?" He looked at me. He laughed as the day he did when I told him.

"No, I haven't. Get 'em boys!" His friends, No not friends.

Snakes ready to strike and inject their venom in me, or in this case their Venomous words Going into my skin and traveling through my bloodstream only to reach my heart, and kill me.

Just like there words I will do so one day, no one will notice, nor will they care.

The quickly acted. Beating and punching me.

"Get off of me you snakes!" I screamed as I kicked and punched they didn't care. They laughed and pulled outta blade.

"Come'On let's add more scares to Him. I mean It doesn't matter. He's gonna Kill himself One day anyway. " they out the blade to my arm. It hurt. They made it deeper than usual. They made 4 of them.

"Go kill yourself, Lester! Your just a waste of Space No one loves you." He spat tobacco on my face. Why? I mean I knew I was a waste of space. The news went new to me but what did I do.

"Yeah, I've heard. And I know. You don't need to point it out I taught I made it quite obvious." I said sarcastically. That deserved me a swift kick to the head.

I hope he kills me. I wouldn't care really. Everything went blurry.

Couldn't hear anything. Then everything went...


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