I woke up in a Bright white room. I was confused.... I think it was a hospital. But something was off, I was looking at myself I was in a hospital bed. Dan was by myself crying, why was he crying... I walked over to him. He was holding my hand.

"Phil, you have to wake up sometime. Please for me." He sobed. The doctor walked in.

"Dan, we have the Test results back, and there's good news and bad news."

"W-what is it Dr.Fred?" Phil's tears had clearwd a bit, his eyes still watering tho.

"Bad news is is that he has Heart Cancer," my heart sunk to my stomach. I was shocked. Dan broke into tears. Once more. "But we can help get rid of it."

"H-How bad is the cancer?" I was shocked. Why was this happening to me?!

"Well Dan, there's a 50/50 chance it could kill him. But we will try our best to  save him."

How could this be happing?!

"When is he going to wake up doctor?" Dan was squeezing my hand.

"He should wake up anytime now, I'll let you two be." The doctor walked outta the room. Dan started to cry once again.

Everything felt weird for a moment, looking at my own body.. I think I was stuck in between the worlds of Hevan and hell, but not quite on Earth... I think it's called "An outta body experience" I was scared, everything went black.

I opened my eyes and took a deep breath, I was back in my own body, Dan gasped and he Lunched forward and hugged me. "Dr.Fred he's Awake!" A nurse came running in and she made sure my vidols are good. And that I was stabel enough to eat.

"Phil I'm so happy your okay..." He looked down, and teared up I lifted his chin up and he looked I to my eyes and I looked into his.

"I know Dan, I have Heart Cancer, I heard. We'll survive this okay? Well get threw this together." He smiled and hugged me, he kissed my cheek.

"Okay" he laughed threw the tears.

"Phil... How did you hear it?"

"Heard what?"

"T-That you had heart cancer.."

How do I tell him this.. he won't believe me... Well Phil you've gone too far in this now. We kinda have to tell him now.. "well, I think I had an out of body experience Dan, i-i sawy own body laying on this hopital bed and I saw you crying and holding my hands and talking to the doctor, I think i was in between the boarders of Hevan and Hell... But I wasn't quite dead, It felt half and half, an- and when the doctor came in I heard him tell you that I had Cancer and that there's a 50/50 chance of me surviveing.. it's crazy I know-" he was looking at me like I was crazy. Bit then he spoke up.

"Phil, you know how rare those things are? It- It's like haveing Dja Vu... It's not coman... But I do believe you." He was honest.. or at least I'm pretty sure he was honest.

The Dr.Fred walked in the room "Well since your videos look good and your perfectly stabel you can go home in another hour or so,   also quick question Gentelmen." Dan and I both nodded, "We have 2 Options for treatment, one of them is a shot that you come in for like every month and we give the vaccination to you, OR you can do kemo therapy, your Choice."

I thought long and hard on this, "I think we'll do the shots" the doctor nodded, Did he- This was my choice.. I didn't want him to make It up for me.

"Hang tight I'll be back soon with the vaccination"  we both nodded. I mean, I guess it's ok that's were doing the shots instead of the kemo. The doctor walked back in and gave me the shot. We we're free to leave.


My mom picked us up from the hospital sure she was upset, but she didn't show it so I didn't care. We got in the car and am my chemical Romance Song started to play it was Cancer. Me and Dan both sat in the back with silent tears falling onto the leather seats, what a day it had been for the both of us.

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