Dan stayed with me and it was probably the best last 2 days of my life. I mean I was spending it with Dan. The one person I loved, sure I had my mom visit a few times. She cried, Wich made me cry. She told me all about how she's always loved me. And how much she will miss me.

But as each passing hour went by i kept getting weaker and weaker.

"Hey Phil." I think a tear fell down his face.

"Yes love?" This question seamed serious.

"I don't think I'll be Abel to move on when you leave me" he started to cry.

"You have to. You have to move on at one point. And at one point I know you will"

"Phil.. I will try" he cried. I think he knew that today would be my last day. Even I think it is. I'm not ready to die. I wanna see the world. I wanna see France. I never got to live  my dream of becoming a YouTuber. But I suppose its too late now.


I started to feel very, very Ill. I don't think I have much time left.

"Hay Phil. I don't think I have alot of time left with you"

"Neather do I Dan." He started to cry silent tears.

"P-phil..." I started to cry silently


"Where do you want to buried?" His tears became more heavy with little weeps.

I let out a Shakey breath.

"I never thought I would be haveing this conversation right now. But I guess it was destiny... Dan.. I think we both know where I want to be buried."

He smiled "I thaught so, I'll bring cherry blossoms to your grave every day. And I'll come talk to you about my day." I started to cry.

"I would love that" my words started to slur everything became allmost blurry, I started to cry "D-Dan I don't have much time everything's going black. I want you to know I love you and will... Will.. will never stop." Everything was black. The last thing I saw was Dan wearing my favorite pastel hoodie wiping his tears.


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