I woke up in a colorful room. It was a light shade of Blue and it had many decrotive items in it. "What the-" I froze I was in the bed with someone.

"What the fuck man my head hurtssss" the man rolled over. It was a dark haired boy, it was Dan. I didn't know what day it was, the time, or where I was. I didn't care I was with Dan so I laid down and pretend to sleep, kinda weird dession I know. But he soon woke up and basically reacted the same way I did.

Then he laid back down and pretend to sleep. We were both faceing each other. I let out a slight giggle. And I opened my eyes, he was a bright red. We were just sitting there looking into each other's eyes. And good damn it his we're beautiful. "Wow.... Your eyes are.. really really pretty" my eyes widened. Did I just say that?! Fuck!

He went red again. "Thanks. I like a boy with Crystal blue eyes myself." He winked. And then we both layed down on our backs, still under the covers, still not knowing what had happened or what day and time it was. The only thing we knew is that, that was happening and we were falling for each other. It was nice. I like it.. alot.

I laughed. Dan raised an eyebrow. "What?"

I looked at him and rolled over on my side and put my hand on my head. He did the same and I giggled once more. "Wouldn't it be funny if we became lovers this very moment?" I didn't really think of what I said, I stopped mid laugh and mega blushed. His hand was on top of mine.

He wrapped his fingers around mine. "Yeah it would be actually... But I wouldn't mind that." I squeezed his hand. And he squeezed back.


We soon got up after our rest. And we went for a walk. Pj was in so much trouble for that, it made me chuckle at the thaughts of it.

"Hey Dan?" I asked kinda nuging at his arm. He smiled and replied.


His smile made me smile. "would you mind if we went to the cherry Blossom tree? It's kind of a special place to me.. and I don't know where else were going too." I looked down at the ground hopeing he would agree.

"Yeah I guess so-" He was cut off by me grabbing his hand and running. I laughed. And he giggled.

"'Comeon Dan keep up!" I was still laughing. I was haveing so much fun, Dan on the other hand was outta breath it was fun but he was still laughing and smiling as well.

Once we reached the tree in front of the school yard we sat down Letting the smells and the comfort wash over us. I was laying down, looking at the tree takeing in all the Beautiful details of the tree. Dan was too we we're still hand in hand, I wonder why he was thinking, then he spoke up.

"Phil.. this is beautiful, I've never thought to stop and take in the beauty of this tree, thank you" I smiled

"Your welcome Dan." We stood in silence for about another 10 minutes.

"Phil?" He cocked his head sideways twords my way.

"Yeah?" I was looking at him as well.

"Why is this tree so special to you." I looked at him and gave him a sad smile.

"Pj used to be my best friend, I've known him forever could tell him everything and anything. But then one day I was ready to come out as gay, I wanted him to be the first person I told..." A tear slipped from my eyes, Staing a Cherry blossom pettel below me. "And instead of him Accepting who I was, and or keeping it a secret, he told everyone and I found out how homophobic this town was, I begged him to stop everyone was laughing at me, I stood up and ran outside to this tree. Now j get beat up daily and now I hurt myself because of it, but when I came to this tree I felt like it.. all most cared for me.... But now, I think I have another thing that cares just as much for me." I said smileing.

"And what's that second thing Phil?" He seemed a bit confused at what I had ment.

"You, dan." We were sitting up with our backs agents the tree, he smiled at me.

"Hey Phil?" He seamed... All most nervous.

"Y-yeah?" I was kinda scared.

"I... I think I love you Phil." He looked away and blushed.

"I think I love you too Dan"

Under The Cherry Tree~ PhanWhere stories live. Discover now