We ran to the gas station. Thankfully there was no one else back here. Normally this was where all the outcasts came to do drugs.
No one was here today, surprisingly.

"Why did you drag me here? I get he's homophobic and shit, but I could have taken him." He looked at me with pride in his face.

"Have you ever gotten jumped?! It's not fucking fun. It hurts and the cut me more than I cut myself!"

He gave me a weird stare like he was, almost sad and scared for me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

"You said he cuts you more than you cut yourself." I started to tear up.

"I- No? Yes?... He hurts me more than I hurt myself" I was balling my eyes out at this point.

"I- they always hurt me. I can't stand it, they make me want to end it all. All because I'm gay, and I try to be strong and I try to be this confident guy, but I can't do it anymore. Pj used to be my best friend. Now he's my worst enemy, and I just want to die." I was breaking down. I

felt him put his arm around me as he was sitting next to me and he tubed circles into my back while I sobbed into his chest.

"It's okay. I'll keep you safe I promise."

Why was he so kind to me? After I calmed down, I decided to speak up.

"Why are you so kind to me. Unlike your cousin or the other kids.?" I asked with my shaky voice.

Instead of saying something sweet he shook his head and shooshed him.


The next day I woke up with a slight burning in my chest. It wasn't painful. It just felt... odd.

I didn't really Rembert a thing from last night. That day I decided to Not go to school.

"Where was my phone?!" I got up and frantically looked around for it.

I could not find it, but then again. where was my jacket?

I looked everywhere. My chest had that weird burning sensation again. I taught it was heartburn. So he took some medicine for it.

He then remembered everything from the night before. I became disoriented.

"What the fuck?" I tried to regale my thoughts.

"Maybe Pj took it home from the last time we hung out." I walked to his house. I knocked on the door.

Pj's mom opens the door, she looked disappointed to see me. "Is Pj home?" She looked at me kinda worried.

"Uhm... no? But Dan is. Maybe you can talk to him..?" She smiled.

"Uhm.... that works." I walked in the house the guy named Dan was on his phone. He smiled.

"Hey, Phil!! What are you doing here" I looked at him confused?

"How do you know my name?..." I questioned him.

"I'm Pj's cousin. Rember?" He looked scared for some reason.

".... no Pj doesn't have a cousin. You must be His Boyfriend!" I smiled. Man, I'm glad Pj found a guy like him!

"No Phil... I'm not his boyfriend ... I'm his cousin. Are you okay?.... Phil?"

I just blinked mindlessly. "Where us your kitchen. Boy? I'm hungry."

"Uhm... over there?" He looked panicked. But he stood up behind me quickly. Why did he do that?

"Could you stop following me... I'm fine." I hit the floor.

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