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The world is split. All kinds of species are scattered all over. Although many chose to stay neutral in the war when the Gargoyles turned against the Angels.

It happened many years ago. The Angels and the Gargoyles had an agreement, when any creature died and their spirt returned to the above, if they had any lingering sins, they could serve as a Gargoyle, a protector of the Angels. Those that chose to serve would eventually be allowed into the above.... once their debt was repaid of course. As time went on, more and more chose to become Gargoyles because they didn't want to become an Angel...(not that I could blame them....).

With the Angels ruling, everything humans considered supernatural was kept secret. Werewolves and Vampires were just a myth.... confined to the pages of books or portrayed in movies..... Angels were things people only dreamed about becoming when they died and Demons were satanic beings that many feared.... but were also portrayed in scary movies for entertainment. Gargoyles were merely stone figures that gave rich peoples houses a certain flare. Mermaids and Sirens were just part of tall tales that sailors told. Witches, Wizards, and Warlocks were overly exploited because of Harry Potter.... you know... the usual...

The agreement between the Angels and Gargoyles went on for years.... until a gargoyle wanted more. They wanted to rule the Above and they wanted to start their own families. They no longer wanted to be confined to the Angels ruling of how to live.... That's when all hell broke loose.

The leader of the Gargoyle uprising went around to all the leaders of the different people. Mermaids and Sirens told the Gargoyle leader no. The witches, wizards, warlocks and werewolves also told the Gargoyle no.

Angered the Gargoyle leader went to the demons and vampires next. After persuading them with promises of the spoils of war, the Gargoyle finally started to raise his army..... and when he did raise it.... the humans that the Angels fought so hard protect... no longer exist...

Infuriated with the gargoyles disobedience and troublesome actions the Angels went around to all the other supernatural creatures and only the witches, wizards and werewolves answered the call.

Everyone else wished to keep themselves out of it. It wasn't their war many said. Whether or not it was their war back then..... it's everybody's war now.......

........ especially since the Gargoyle leader got the other thing he yearned so long for......

.........A son.....

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