Chapter five

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I groaned as I heard a knocking on the door. I felt a pounding headache bash against my skull from all the crying I did last night. I sniffed and got up to open the door. I saw Mel, Taysa and Irisa, standing there in front of me. 'Fuck..!' I thought 'our morning run..!'

I grimaced as I looked at their smiling faces. "Oh girls..."

Their faces fell... "your canceling our run...?" Mel asked sadly

Taysa looked furious "I did not just get up at the ass-crack of dawn for you to cancel last minute!"

I winced "okay... honestly I completely forget about our run this morning because the commander had a... prostitute in his office and everything's just a mess..." I sighed and ran a hand through my tangled hair. I winced as my hand caught a tangle. "Look... give me five minutes, then we can go on a quick run...." I paused "I can't take too long I have a meeting with a few people that I can't reschedule."

Mel grinned "yesss!!! Thank you!!" Irisa just smiled and rolled her eyes.

Taysa groaned "ughh... it's too early for this...."

I shot her a look. "Chill girl... I'll be down in five like I said."

I rushed upstairs and looked in the mirror. I looked like death. My eyes looked sunken and dark. My skin was pale and my hair looked oily and dead at the same time. I whimpered at my looks. I shook my head. I looked awful but I made a promise to them and I planned on keeping it.

I grabbed a change of clothes, deodorant, a brush and some mouth wash and threw it into a bag. I rushed down the stairs, tripping and nearly falling down the last three stairs. "Ooph!"

I looked around embarrassed. My friends just looked at me and laughed.

"Walk much?" Mel asked smirking as Irisa and Taysa laughed

I felt my face flush. "Whatever" I rolled my eyes "let's go girls" I rushed outside and shifted into my white wolf.

Mel was already stripping "woo-hoo!"

Taysa groaned as she began to strip "Can some one please shut Mel up for five minutes...? She's giving me a headache with her enthusiasm..."

Mel who had already shifted growled at her. I let out a wolfy laugh and shook myself out.

Irisa sighed "you both are giving me a headache with all of this bickering..."

Inwardly I smiled as I felt the wind ruffle my fur. I looked around at Mel's brown wolf, Taysa's tan wolf, and Irisa's dark grey wolf and let out a small howl before I took off running.

We ran for a while. Through the forest, down by the large rock pile and we finally rested by small river that ran through part of our territory. I laid down and stretched. It had been a while since we had all gone on a run like this. War normally makes it hard to do simple mundane things.

I shook my head and felt my ears perk up as Irisa came back into the clearing with a dead rabbit. I looked at her and tilted my head. 'Do you always have to hunt live prey every time we go on a run?" I questioned

She just rolled her eyes and shook herself. "You know I do Rey" she deadpanned "After... you-know-what happened.... I spent most of my time in my wolf form.... to heal.... I've just grown accustom to living like a lone wolf. " she laid down and looked at Taysa and Mel splashing in the shallows of the river, trying to catch a fish or two. "I never understood their fascination with sushi..." she wrinkled her nose in disgust before digging into the rabbit.

I huffed as dread settled in my stomach. In less than two hours I was going to have to meet with Kronos...inwardly I shuttered. I stood up and shook myself. "I need to head out... to head to my meetings" I said to her. I nudged her ear with my nose.

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