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He stood still like a statue. Waiting... Watching. He looked out on the soldiers... lined up and ready For their next command. He looked out bitterly at what was suppose to be his fighting force.... his army....

His lip nearly curled back in disgust...  these weren't hightly trained soldiers. These were boys thrusted into a war that they didn't even start. He ground his teeth as he gave them their orders.... he hated this.... he hated sending them to their death.... he knew many would die by the one his people called "Morrigan....."

the deadly killer also was known as "Persefoni." She has many names, known throughout his land and people.... but she is ultimately, death on the battlefield. She was a formidable fighter...

But then again, he mused, so was he. He's always been a fighter.....he had to be to survive.... the monster. He lived with the monster everyday..... sometimes it would leave and he would get a few days of breathing room.... of freedom..... but even good times come to an end. Truth be told.....It was the only thing that could make his blood run cold.

Many say He is a monster for what he does but he only does what he was born and bred to do. He was tired of his war.... he held back a sigh of exhaustion and turned away from the window. Life was complicated... his life was harsh... but he bore it with grace... for his siblings.... so that they could live the life he was never blessed with...

He sat down in the worn leather desk chair. It groaned in protest.

"Commander...." a voice softly spoke "Are you quite certain this is what you want to do...?"

He kept his face neutral of any emotion "Are you questioning my leadership ??"

The figured swallowed "No, sir..... I merely wish to understand why you are sending so little troops to the North-Eastern part of the Nightshade front?"

Another voice chuckled. "Why... Endymion...." the man replied "Don't you understand....? While they position troops heavily on that front.... we will sneak in from behind and attack....."

He smiled sinfully, showing his teeth before leaning back into his chair "And we will crush them...."

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