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Kronos held back a groan of frustration. She had come back into his life. His fated. He felt like punching something. He was never really good with his feelings, but his fated? She was beautiful. She had soft blonde hair, and fierce green eyes.... and the way she looked at him.... he shook his head as the hair on the back of his neck stood up

She didn't look at me like I was a killer..... like a monster....if only she knew what he was capable of...

He shook his head as he walked to his tent. It would never work.... he thought sadly... She was beautiful.... and kind. She had to be kind or else she wouldn't of saved his siblings..... and he? Well.... he mused he was not so kind...

He sighed and decided he should find out how things were going on with out his ruling. He radioed back home. He waited only a moment before the called was answered.

"Yes Emperor Kronos?"

"Where are Donavon, Chandler and Hayden?"

The voice on the other end hesitated "well... sir. Donavon is currently on his way to see you... he should be there in a days time."

Unusual... he thought Donavon never leaves his post unless somethings serious "is he traveling alone?"

"Yes sir" came the hurried reply.

"and Chandler and Hayden?"

The voice on the other end shook as the words came out in almost a whisper "their..... "

"Speak up" Kronos growled "I hate it when I'm not spoken to directly"

The voice on the other end gulped "their missing sir... "

His breath caught in his throat and his mind raced "How long?" He bit out

"Almost a week sir...."

He let out a roar and felt his animalistic side push for control. "Why the hell wasn't I told about this!" He snarled "Find them Alive or you will answer to me!" His voice grew quiet for a moment as he collected himself "and trust me when I say..... you don't want to deal with a killer like me...."

Fated To The EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now