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Things had been going well for Kronos.... until now. His army was thriving at the moment and He had his siblings back and they were safe. He wished he was back home, but his stubborn Fated hadn't come forward. She would come eventually... she had to... he was grasping at something he hadn't felt in forever. Hope. He hoped she would come.... she had two more days.... two days... he thought worriedly. Mentally he shook his head he could dwell about his Fated later, right now He needed to focus

"We're not staying much longer" he sighed in annoyance, he was on a conference call with some of his generals to plan their next attack. He could feel the on sought start of a headache.

"Emperor " one started hesitantly "perhaps the she-wolf is too much trouble.... Not to step out of place but if she wanted to be with you... wouldn't she have come by now?"

"Yes... Emperor.... a she-wolf like her would never be able to fit in to our society..."

Many nodded in agreement. Kronos knew a loosing battle when he saw one. But He was not going to leave with out his fated.

"Enough!" He hissed. Everyone looked fearful. "Now... all of you are out of line. She will learn our ways and she is to be your Empress. I expect you all to accept that." He paused "Do I make myself understood?"

For a while no one said anything. It was just Kronos looking at his generals to make them aware he was not backing down.

Finally the one who spoke first was a quiet one. A being who said almost nothing. "Of course Sir. We understand. I wish you the best of luck with the White wolf...." it hissed "you'll need it to tame a wild one like that" After that the room went silent. Kronos clenched his teeth as he hung up the conference call.

He looked out into the darkness. 'Trust me...' he thought worriedly 'Taming her wont be the problem... loving her will.'

Fated To The EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now