Chapter Six

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I waited until dark. That's when I was going to release them. I mean I couldn't exactly kill them and get away with a clean conscious since I was apparently Kronos's mate. I shook my head as I felt the inner turmoil wash over me like a cold shower. These gargoyles are not my responsibility but at the same time, I had an obligation to protect them because if Kronos and I worked out, they would eventually be my people.

It was obvious that my life had turned into a complete and utter shit-show. 'If the Angel council ever found out about this... I would be charged with treason...' I bit my lip nervously as I sprayed them down with scent-masking spray.

The smart ass named Chandler coughed as he inhaled "For all that is unholy woman.... Are you trying to suffocate us?!?"

I huffed "Shut up... I'm trying to save your annoying ass..." I groaned as I dragged them deeper into the forest "Goddess knows why!" I panted "No wonder why we caught you... your ass weighs a ton." I muttered

Chandler looked at me indignantly "My ass is perfection Wolf.... your just jealous that no amount of squats you do will ever get you to achieve an ass like mine."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed "Whatever... your delusional..." I turned and looked at the other Gargoyle... Hayden I think was his name... "Did they put you in the same cell as this one" I asked him motioning to Chandler

Hayden just chuckled "Yes ma'am..."

I just shook my head "I am so sorry you had to be bunked with this one.... you probably have had a migraine ever since you got captured..." I shot Chandler a grin as his mouth dropped open.

Hayden let out a laugh "It's true... I haven't gotten a wink of sleep because of his snoring.."

Chandler just shot him a glare "Dude!... not cool!" he hissed

I let out a small laugh. "Look... don't freak out... okay?" I warned them

"what are you gonna do? Turn into your wolf and run with us in your mouth?" Chandler joked

I pondered that idea for a second before grinning at them "Yeah.... pretty much" I affirmed

Chandler looked scared "Wait!.. WHAT?!"

"Just quit your whining..." I growled as I stripped off my jacket. "Your not going to die."

Hayden looked worried too but he didn't say anything. Chandler opened his mouth again to talk but I cut him off "Do you ever know when to shut the hell up? Goddess your giving me a headache..." he just blinked and looked away. his mouth was set in a tight line.

I sighed, figuring I had hurt his feelings "Look... this is dangerous... if I get caught with you two, I am arrested, thrown in jail, and tried for treason.... and you two die anyways... so quite frankly I am your best bet at getting back home to your loved ones... but you have to shut up so I can think and you need to trust me."

Both of them nodded. "Okay.." I sighed "Close your eyes.."

Hayden cocked his head "Why?"

'Oh for the love of—' I thought annoyed

I sighed "Wolves have to strip to shift or else our clothes are torn to shreds. So I am about to strip and shift... and not that I care about people looking at me, but I would rather strangers not get a glimpse of my goods." I said with a pointed look "So close those eyes boys."

Chandler shook his head "All you damn wolves are complicated... " I rolled my eyes as they closed their eyes. I shifted and nudged them with my nose. Their eyes widened "Holy shit!" Chandler whispered "Your... your the white wolf..."

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