Chapter Seven

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Two days... I have two days before Kronos comes for my answer and I was feeling the pressure. I tried to focus on the pair of boots I was shining but after my talk with Nereida a few nights ago, I know my decision. I've been replaying Nereida and I's conversation hoping it would bring me courage.

I was on my fourth Jack and Coke when I looked at Nereida. "He wants me to go with h-him..." I hiccuped "he gave me a week to decide..."

She cocked her head and shot me a drunken smile "then fucking go Hun! Honestly what do you have to lose..???"

I swallowed hard as my thoughts were clouded "but he said he could never love me Nereida...." I pulled my knees up and hugged them close "I want to be loved, and I won't settle for anything less.... besides... you didn't hear what he said, he just needs me alive since our animalistic sides have accepted each other. But he said he doesn't want me and that he could never love me...." I looked up at her as I felt tears burn my eyes "Am I really that bad that my own mate doesn't want me...?"

She frowned and staggered towards me. She slid down the wall and pulled me close. "Oh Hun.... men think they know best but it's really the women who run the show. I've been around a long time, too long it seems like most days, however I've heard rumors. Rumors about your mate" she sighed and kissed my head "Make him love you"

I blinked and looked up at her confused "W-what?"

She grabbed me by my arms and bore her eyes into mine. "Make that man love you. Show him his life is better with you in it. He's a hard, coldly distant man, from what I've heard, if anyone can teach him to love.... it's you Reyna...."

"Me..? But... all I know is how to end a life.... not save it..."

She shook her head "you never knew this.... but I was so tired of waiting for my mate.... I got desperate." She averted her eyes "I wanted to end my life, most of my family and friends had already met their mates and have passed on to the Goddess. I felt like my whole existence was a joke... but a few days before I was going to end it, your mother brought you by to see me and you gazed up at me with eyes so wide and full of hope. It was like you were looking into my soul. I felt something I never felt before and I knew I was here for a reason. The goddess blessed you into my family for a reason and she made sure I knew that you would one day need me... for something."

I looked at her shocked. This was the first time I was hearing that my Great aunt wanted to end her life. She sighed "at first I thought you needed me when your mother was killed but you didn't... you handled it all on your own. Taking care of your siblings while your father was too grief-stricken to look after them. You helped the generals plan attacks at such a young age.... while your father was in such a fragile state. No other child that age could have been that strong. You are strong Reyna... stronger than you know. Now I think you need me for a whole different reason.... and I will be here for you, always." She sent me a small smile "but you can survive in the Gargoyles world. I know it. You are destined, you, and you alone, can make Kronos love you. The Moon Goddess would not have paired you, if you weren't strong enough to handle the challenge...."

I nodded. "Okay..." I whispered "I will go with him and even if it kills me, I will show him what it means to love someone...."

She smiled "Good...." she lifted up the bottle she had and motioned it to me "Now... how about another drink..?? The nights still young...!"

I shook my head. I had a hangover like no other after that night. I almost threw up on a pair of boots I was shining the other day. I grimaced as I thought about how sick my stomach was a few days ago.

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