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Ethan should have reported back by now, He thought nervously. He wanted to pace the floor. It was killing him just to sit at his desk and pretend he wasn't terrified for his siblings safety.

Where are they...?? Where could they be..? What if... he trailed off his train of thought. No, they were alive. He hadn't felt their bonds break.... but it was still nerve racking that Ethan hadn't checked in.

The monster was gone again. Hopefully for a while this time. When he sent for his siblings he had learned that they met a wolf while they slipped away from their patrol. Wolves would never hesitate to kill a gargoyle.... especially two unprotected children part of the royal family.... so why didn't this particular wolf end their lives...? He pondered any and every possibly.

"Tex" he growled into the intercom "Let me know as soon as my siblings and Ethan enter the city..... I wish to speak with them... they are to come directly to me. No exceptions."

"Yes, Sir." Came the hurried reply

He stretched in his chair. He hadn't shifted in days and was growing restless.... this was the longest he had gone without shifting and was starting to take a toll on his mood.... not that he could say he was always pleasant to be around anyways.... he shook his head. He had a reason not to be cheerful. Minutes past by and he grew uneasy and restless by the second. He let out a frustrated growl and threw the clock at the wall.

Ethan... he thought... if your taking your sweet-ass time I'm gonna...

"Sir..." the intercom voiced "Ethan and your siblings are arriving now... they will be on their way to your office in five minutes."

He nearly scrambled to his feet with excitement. His siblings were one of the only things that made him smile... that made him actually happy. He hated to send them away as much as he did... but he did it to protect them... he grimaced. He hoped they realized everything he did was to protect them...

"Thank you Tex" came the curt reply

"No problem Boss..." Tex replied "Have a good day Emperor"

"you too"

He sat back down in his chair. He nearly shivered... it was growing cold. He sighed as he thought about winter and the coming hardships the colder weather would bring. He got lost in his thoughts when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in"

Ethan entered looking nervous and sheepish. "Sorry sir.... Psyche wished to stop in a flower field and pick you some flowers.... she thought It would make your day..." Psyche and Priamos entered his office with big smiles. He kept a stern, disapproving expression, but secretly he was pleased.

"Brother!" Psyche exclaimed excitedly. She ran to him and threw herself into his legs. "I missed you terribly!" she looked up at him brightly "You'll never guess what happened to us!... oh also... we got you these!" she smiled up at him, thrusting the bent and broken flowers up to him. As angry as he was... he felt his anger resolve into relief as he gazed upon her smiling face. He smiled brightly at her.

"Oh really?" he played along "and what is it that you and our brother did exactly?" He bent down picking her up. "speaking of Priamos... where is he?" he looked around confused

"Oh! He had to pee!" Psyche giggled.

He closed his eyes, praying for patience. "Psyche... you must use proper regal terms.... he had to stop and use the restroom."

she rolled her eyes. "Yes, Brother...."

Priamos walked in. "Damn... I figured you'd butter him up nicely sis... but I didn't expect in to be that good!" Priamos exclaimed

"Priamos!" Psyche hissed "Shut up!"

He looked at the little girl that he held in his arms to the little boy standing in the door way. "You both are hopeless..... are your tutors teaching you nothing of your manners?"

They both shrugged and smiled. He shook his head. He turned his attention to Ethan, who was still standing awkwardly in the corner of the office.

"Ethan" he growled "You let them go out unprotected so close to the Nightshade army's boarders?"

"well...sir... not exactly..."

He raised an eyebrow at Ethan. "Then what?" he hissed

"They snuck off.... they diched their patrol.... it is still my fault sir and I accept any punishment you see fit.... but I just wanted you to know that I would never willingly let them walk into danger." he said bowing his head

He turned to his siblings. "is this true?"

Psyche and Priamos hung their heads shamefully. "yes... sir...." one replied

"it's true.." sighed the other.

"But!" Psyche smiled "this pretty wolf saved us from their own patrol!"

"yes..." he bit back a snarl "so I've heard...." they all shrunk back. His lip curled back into a sinister grin "And I wish to meet this wolf.... we leave in three days...."

Psyche and Priamos looked at each other..... what ever their brother was plotting was not going to be good.

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