Chapter Two

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I stalked out of the building. I was fuming. I could hear my friends behind me, following me. I needed to go for a run or something to burn off this anger.

"Rey wait!" Taysa called

"Leave me alone" I snarled picking up the pace "I just need to go.... I need to leave."

"Reyna! For gods sake stop!"

I stopped short just of my car. It felt like I just took a blow to the chest that left me breathless. I slowly turned around and looked at my friends. "Never.... ever... call me that again..." I said lowly "Reyna died along with her mom that night... so don't ever call me that damned name again...." I felt my eyes shift as I felt me start losing control of my animalistic side of me. All three of them gulped.

Irisa slowly approached me "please.... just take a breath.... I'm sure that it's a mistake... if you just calm down we can go back in there and try to talk to the council...." she reasoned

I sucked in a breath. "No... they won't change their mind.... now if you'll excuse me.... I'm going for a run.... I need time to think...."

I looked at all my friends and they looked back at me with sad expressions. I turned away from them and hurried towards the edge of the woods. I left them, standing around my car as I made my way closer to the woods. I shifted into my wolf once I got undressed. I sucked in a breath smelling the world around me before taking off for my run. I started to think about what the council had said... and our next assignment.

We walked in the council room after the one angel came for us. I could tell we were all on edge.... no one really likes the angels... their overly pompous about their status and quite frankly they were just plain dicks. But as much as we hated them... in times of war sometimes the enemy of my enemy is my friend... or something inspirational like that...

I turned towards Mel as I felt her nudge me out of my daydream. I gave her a slight nod of thanks before looking up at the council. I looked and saw the commander siting to the right where he always was. 'that's odd...' I thought as I saw that there was a new head angel standing where Uriel normally sat. normally egotistical jackasses like the head council angels could hardly make an effort... and standing? well the mere thought of it was comical.

"Welcome.... my friends.... my comrades in arms... my name is Kafziel" the angel started and I had to choke back a scoff. Comrades? the angels do nothing but make the dead one of them.... I don't see them going out there on to the battle fields and trying to fight for their own cause. " and I am the new head of the council. We are here... because you need your next assignments to further help the cause."

I merely nodded at him "Yes sir. We have completed our previous assignments with flying colors."

The angel looked skeptical "yes... so I have heard...." he sighed " Taysa Mathews. Irisa Zakira, Melania Faolon, and.... " he paused and looked up at me. I raised my eyebrow... daring him to say what the form read. He swallowed hard "Rey Johnson" I nodded slightly as I let my face return to a neutral form.

"We called you here today because the Gargoyle army is on the move." I perked up and listened closely. "we have intel that they will be on the move to our north-eastern boarder in three days time." I sucked in a breath.... it would take nearly three days just to move some troops out that way... "that is why.... we have already started moving out the new recruits."

"What!?!" I exclaimed and everyone looked at me. The commander motioned at me to stay quiet. As usual I didn't listen. "What the hell are you thinking? The recruits are far from ready to be in actual combat!" I said trying to hold back my anger "if you send them the way they are now, your condemning them to death!"

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