chapter one

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punch. kick. jab. lean left, roll right. dodge, swing.

I felt his fist collide with my jaw. My head snapped to the side, I hissed as pain rushed along my now bruised jaw. I whipped my head up at him and growled. I felt my eyes flash with anger. 

His eyes grew wide and I smirked as I watched him flinch, but he didn't back down. 'Good.... there might be a future for this one...' I thought.

He rushed me again and managed to get one more good hit on my jaw. I blinked and blocked his advances.

'Bastard' I thought smiling inwardly

A jolting pain flew up my right arm as i punched the recruit. His head snapped to the side. I heard his small gasp of pain but he shook it off.

He kept his hands up, protecting his face. He snarled and bared his teeth at me. Behind my protective stance I grinned. He and I continued to circle around the ring, I could feel the eyes of every recruit in there.

I'm not surprised, this was the longest a new recruit had ever lasted against me.... but it's all an act. I could of ended this fight ages ago... well if you could even really call it a fight....

His leg flew up and connected with my side, I hissed as pain shot up my side. I sucked in a breath and grinned through the pain. "Is that all you got kid??" He narrowed his eyes and growled before lunging forward.

'Big mistake kid...'.... I thought right before I side stepped his attack and launched my leg up towards his face.

It connected perfectly. I landed in a crouched position. He flew back at the force. He laid there stunned enough to let me walk up and grab him by the throat and go in for the kill. He gulped as I increased pressure around his throat.

"and this, ladies and gentlemen" i spoke loudly so that every-one could hear, never taking my eyes off of my helpless "victim"

He struggled to make me release him from my grasp. I just rolled my eyes and i continued talking. "This is why when you let your anger control you, even in battle, it will be your worst and most likely your last mistake." i threw the newbie onto the ground and stepped back.

"when you let anger control your judgment..." i said pausing looking into the newbie's fear-filled eyes. I just grinned as I looked down. I cleared my throat before speaking again  "when anger controls your judgement, it makes your thoughts clouded and you don't react to certain instances as you normally would if you hadn't let anger control you." I amended

I heard a laugh echo through the hall. I just sighed as I recognized the laugh.

'Dad' I thought

"alright... alright, i think you've done enough damage to the new recruits" my dad said with a amused sigh, while leaning from the railing. He chuckled and began to make his way down the stairs.

Everyone started to bow as my father walked by. My father is the top commander of the Nightshade Army.

I rolled my eyes, don't get me wrong I respected my dad, he is an amazing commander.... but he's not so much a commander when it comes to his kids.

They haven't seen my dad the way I have.... he's not always the strong one..... and I know it kills him when that happens.... but that's why he has me.

Once I turn twenty-one my father said that i could take over the Nightshade Army. There is a war that has been going on for decades.

The kids now in this day-an-age are living in a post-apocaliptic world. no zombies have not caused world-wide panic or an everyone eats fleash sorta thing.

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