Chapter 11

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Nicki: The pale pink one really suits you 

Andrea: You think

Nicki: Yeah, but i think the blue more than that one

Andrea: Thats what i thought. Blue one it is

Nicki and Andrea were out shopping as it was a saturday and both of them had nothing to do, so had decided to meet up and have some sister bonding time. They had just bought Andrea a new dress for the dinner that they were going to later that night. She did have one already planned to wear but she saw it and decided she wanted it for the occasion. She went and paid for it and the two were soon on their way out. They were now on their way to Starbucks. Once they arrived and settled down at a table now awaiting their drinks, they engaged in some girl talk.

Andrea: When did you last speak to Drake Then?

Nicki: The Other Night. Its Been A Few Days Now

Andrea: What happened

Nicki: Well he was really stressed and we kind of got into an argument and I guess we were both annoyed at each other so we didn't bother sorting it out

Andrea: I need to have some words with him

Nicki: To be honest I think  we're Both responsible for it

Andrea: But he should be the gentleman and step up to fixing it

Nicki: He'll come around, But either way I feel like whatever it is that he's dealing with in Canada, Its really Stressing him out because 90% of the time he's Busy and when I do get a chance to speak to him, he's not happy.

Andrea: Well, I'm sure he'll tell you at some point, but for now just trying and find out what he'all let you

Nicki: Yeah, I guess so. Just wish there was something I could do about it all.

A smirk made its way onto Andrea's Face.

Nicki: Drea..

Andrea: Well don't speak to soon. There's always a solution to everything isn't there.

Nicki: I guess so but-

Andrea: no buts. So first question

Nicki: Oh here we go

She just chuckled and used her fork to take another piece off of the massive Oreo cupcake they were sharing.

Andrea: So have you two taken it to that level yet

Nicki: Not Properly

Andrea: Elaborate...

Nicki: We've done stuff but not actually gone all the way. we've Got to third Base

Andrea: Got You. So like I was saying before, why don't you give Mr. Grumpy over there a bit of a stress reliever

Nicki: Where are you going with this

Andrea: Well, Don't tell me you havent  about when your first time will be. I mean I know you two love each other, cause its that evident in both of you, but maybe now its about time you took it to the next stage.

Nicki: Well I've thought about it and I'm sure he probably has too, but can't be too certain

Andrea: I know he has. He won't say anything though because he awaits your cue. And trust me there is no better time than now.

Nicki: and how do you know

Andrea: This Will Be Make-up Sex and I Missed You Sex In One. Trust me when I say No better time

Hold On We're Going Home; A Dricki StoryWhere stories live. Discover now