Chapter 17

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Nicki woke up to kisses being placed all over her face and strong arms wrapped around her. She giggled a little already working out that it was drake. She opened her eyes to find him slightly hovering over her lookng into her eyes.

Nicki: Good morning to you too sir

He chuckled with her before placing another kiss on her cheek.

Drake: Morning, baby how do you feel

Nicki: Quite good actually. It feels good to have you arou again

Drake: I know. it had been far too long 

Nicki: well at least i' here now

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for another kiss. He accepted and they let this one linger for a little while before finally pulling away.

Nicki: So what are your plans for the day Mr. Graham

Drake: well I'm gonna go to XO to make sure the place wasn't destroyed after we left last night, and also handle a little bit of business, but after that i should be free for the rest of the day. all yours

Nicki: so you're leaving me at home alone all day 

Drake: no all day, just for a few hours and i'll be done

Nicki: -.- 

Drake: who said you have to stay in, you can go out with the girls for lunch or whatever. on me 

He leaned down and started placing kisses on her neck as she bit her lip.

Nicki: fine

Drake: now come and get in the shower with me 

Nicki: make me

He looked at her for a second before getting up and putting her over his shoulder as he carried her into the en suite. She just laughed.


Lauren: someones a little happier today 

Nicki just kissed her teeth as they all agreed and looked at her, raising their eyebrows.

Nicki: I hadnt seen him in a few months and i missed his company

Candi: Yeah, and you missed something else too but thats none of mine

Nicki:damn right it none of yours

They all laughed together.

TT: You too are soo cute. its adorable

Candi: Yeah well whats this about someone i know getting it on with noah.

Lauren just looked down and nicki looked at her and smirked.

Nicki: ooo Noah hey, he is a little cutie

Lauren: yeah well...

Nicki just smirked at her causing lauren to throw a napkin at her.

Lauren: stop it 

Nicki: If you insist.

They all laughed. Nicki's phone then rang, causing the conversation to stop for a sec.

Nicki: hey boo

Drake: Hey baby, how are you 

Nicki: Alright i guess and yourself

Drake: not too bad.

Nicki: good. so what makes you call

He chuckled before answering.

Drake: Am inot allowed to just call and find out how you are

Nicki: you tend not to Mr. Graham, you prefer to text me. Especially when you're at work

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