Chapter 18

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Drake and his guys were all sat around a table. They had just finished a meeting discussing all the clubs together as a whole and were just having a discussion as a goup of guys as they would all have to split soon, due to drakes promises to nicki.

Abel: But lauren is a nice girl. Too nice for noah 


Noah: I saw that coming

Abel: Let's not lie. You're gonna have to step your standards up to Mr. Gahams level to get with that

Chubs: Nah, He's too good 

Drake: I am not

Noah:But you are. You let her have the control in the relationship

Drake: well she deserves some control inthe relationship. Women hate having to follow what the men want all the time. They like to have somethings their way and if you dont give them that then you're gonna get no where

Ryan: He's not lying

Drake then recieved a text from a blocked number.

You thought i was joking did you? Well it clearly shows that a club is more important than she is. -Unknown

He sat thinking for a second before it came to him that the only person that the blocked number could belong to was Sean. Now he was annoyed because he didn't have a clue what was going on and he didnt understand what was meant by the call, but all he knew was that he had to make a phonecall.

Chubs: drake you alright 

He just ignored them as he stood from where he was and dialled Andreas number before walking out of the club. She picked up on the second ring.

Andrea: Hello

Drake: Drea are you okay 

Andrea: Yeah why wouldn't I be 

Drake: I just recieved a text from an unknown number which i'm guessing was sean and it sounded like he had someone that i would want back 

Andrea: nope, I'm fine and i dont think there should be any worries.

Drake: okay, I'll speak to you later 

Andrea: Okay, 

With that they hung up. He just stood in deep thought before his phone rangagain. By this point the guys were all also outside, curious to fid out what was going on.

Drake: Hello

Sean: We meet again Mr. Graham

Drake: What do you want sean

Sean: I think you would find it what do you want 

He let ut a chuckle and drake was only getting angrier by the second.

Sean: Soyou thought it wouldbe funny to buy me out of business

Drake: and i warnd you before it happened. You had the opportunity to be civilised and compromise with me and you refused

Sean: Sounds fair eough, but you know what they say right. What goes around comes back around

He passed the phone to nicki who was sat in the corner of a room with one of her arms tied to the radiator. She struggled to keep the phone in her hands due to her hands shaking but she did her best.

Nicki: Brey

Drake: Nic, are you okay 

Nicki: No 

Drake: Hey, listen to me, you're gonna be okay. I promise. I'll be on my way to get you as soon as i can okay 

Nicki: Yeah

He could hear the unease in her voice and it only hurt him to know that he could've prvented it, but he didnt. Sean then took the phone back from her.

Sean: you thought you hau won. Well i'm telling you now that ifi dont get what i want then i'm gonna be the only winner here

Drake: What do you want sean

Sean: 750K and The Club

Drake: Your insane

Sean: She's a pretty girl you know 

Drake: Dont Try me sean

Sean: Tomorrow night. At the warehouse. Either you give me what i want or i'll take what you want

Drake: Your messing with the wrong person Sean 

Sean: Yeah we'll see about that. For now I'm just gonna enjoy the time i have with Ma, Might see how good she is you know

Drake: I swear to God Sean. Touch her and Tomorrow Will be the last day you see daylight

Sean: See you at Midnight tomorrow

With that he hung up and the first thing drake want to do was destroy something, but he knew that would get him nowhere.

Chubs: Whats going on

Drake: He's taken Nicki and He wants 750K and the club tomorrow at midnight

Abel: He's asking for a lot, But He's not smart enough

Noah: Exactly, case she's worth so much more 

Drake: She's Priceless. He's not getting shit for her. Nothing in this world can by her and she doesn't deserve to be in the situation she's in

He dialled a number on his phone as they all stood and waited to see what he was doing.

Wayne: Hello

Drake: Wayne, You fancy helping me out

Wayne: Depends where you're coming from

Drake: Sean

Wayne: I'm All ears

Drake: I want Baby and T involved too cause this time he's crossed a line


August: But what are we getting out of this sean. She's innocent

Sean: But the only way to get through to him is to take something he wants. 

The others guys just looked at him August didn't really want to be a part of it anymore but never wasnt a choice. He would be putting himself in danger by backing out. They watched as sean stood up and walked out of the room. He walked up the stairs to the room in which they were captivting nicki. He hands were tied behind her back to stop her from escaping and she had managed to move the blindfold off of her eyes. She looked at him as he walked over to her. She tensed as his hand stroked her face.

Sean: No wonder why Drake is willing to give anything for you

She moved her face away from his hand. She watched as his hand moved to stroking her leg. He  Leaned his face closer to her and she spat on him. This only heated him more. He moved his hand to her neck and pinned her up against the wall.

Sean: feisty 

She struggled against his strength as he reached into his back pocket and took out the gold package. She Struggled to breath as he kept her pinned against the wall. As much as she didnt want to be in the position she was in, she didnt have a choice. She was helpless and the only thing she could do was lay thee and wait for it to be over.


Update coming soon

Much Appreciated

_PaintedPyramids X

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