Chapter 13

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Nicki walked into the staff room with a smile on her face. She sat down where she normally did and watched as Viola, Sherika and Thembi just stared at her. She looked at them as her smile got wider and a small laugh escaped.

Sherika: It's one of two things... either shes on drugs or Mr. Graham is involved

She just shrugged.

Thembi: she's glowing... Its Mr. Graham

Viola: what did you do

Nicki: nothing major, just some built up sexual release.

Sherika: I knew it.

Nicki: it was well needed too

They all rolled their eyes and laughed.

Viola: so let us in on what happened

Thembi: yeah, how good is he

Nicki: amazing is an understatement. Words can't explain

Sherika: oooo tell me more

Nicki: what do you want to know

Rika&Viola&Thembi: Everything!!

Nicki laughed.

Nicki: okay okay, I'll let you in on some insight.


Lauren, Candi and TT were all round Nickis house for a simple girls night on as they hadn't recently spent much time together. They were all sat in Nickis living room with some drinks and snacks while they watched a movie.

Candi: So when are you next gonna see him, like he's really busy recently

Nicki: I don't know. I was talking to him earlier and he was saying how he's leaving for New York tomorrow to get this new club, sort so it can add to his collection

Lauren: how long is he going for

Nicki: 3 weeks. He wants it to be ready to go by the time he leaves and he's said that its only a bit of construction to do.

Candi: what about after that

Nicki: Atlanta. 2 weeks, for his joint club with Jahron Brathwaite.  Then he's back in Canada for XO and Graham.

TT: I've got one thing to say. You're boyfriends loaded. Like LOADED.

They all just laughed at her statement.

Nicki: He's kind of always had that lifestyle because his family has always been fairly rich, and I guess he just decided to invest some of that money in his clubs and it only goes up.

Candi: we need to hit up his club in Cali though cause,

Lauren: we really should

Nicki: let me know when. I get free entry and free drink all night. If I'm feeling nice, I might let you enjoy my wealth

TT: oh its like that then

Lauren: She's gonna let us in

Nicki: yeah I'll see

They laughed again.

Lauren: but back to the topic, so its gonna be another 2 months or so before you get to see him

Nicki: Yeah

She pouted and the all aww'd.

Candi: it'll go by, quicker than you realise

Nicki: I hope so, cause thats too long to even think of.

TT: Yeah, I could never be away from Sean for that long. I really wonder how you do it.

Lauren: Yeah, you must both be very committed to be in a long distance relationship like that.

Nicki: I know, but I love him and he loves so I guess that's all that matters really

Girls: Awwwww

Nicki: stop it

They all laughed which caused her to laugh too.


The girls had left not too long ago and Nicki was now just about to get in the shower before getting ready for bed.

Once she got out of the shower she got herself dressed in some lace boy short and one of drakes t-shirts before getting her phone and sitting on her bed. She found that she had 3 missed calls and a message from drake.

I miss you, call me when you're free x -Aubrey

She smiled before dialing his number and waiting for him to answer the phone. He picked up almost instantly and she could tell he had been awaiting her call.

Drake: finally

Nicki: I see you were just waiting for me to call you

Drake: you could say that

They both chuckled.

Drake: how are you

Nicki: not too bad I guess, and yourself

Drake: alright. I miss you though

Nicki: I miss you too baby, and this is just the start of it.

Drake: I know

Nicki: me and the girls were working it out earlier and we worked out that its gonna be about 2 or 3 months before u get to see you next.

Drake: that's gonna be ages

Nicki: I know

She pouted and he could already tell through the phone.

Drake: fix your face

Nicki: no

He chuckled.

Drake: It'll go by quicker than you realise babe.

Nicki: I really hope so

Drake: I'll try and visit you between Atlanta and Toronto but no guarantee.

She sighed.

Nicki: so anyway, what's been going on with XO then. Is it all sorted now

Drake: its stable, not completely sorted but its stable...


Andrea: have you told him about this then?

Nicki shook her head.

Nicki: he stressed out enough already, like how do i approach him

Andrea: you gotta tell him thought nic... it could be from anyone

Nicki: but we haven't even come to a conclusion as to whats the proper meaning behind it

Andrea: but the last time I got texts like that was around the time he last got himself in a situation with sean. it wasn't a nice experience and I dont want you to have to go through it.

Nicki bit her lip and just thought. She did want to add to the stress that drake already had and would rather he continued on the path he was on, rather than ruining it for him.

Nicki: but he's in new york and ill be headed to atlanta in a few weeks. His businesses are on a steady path and i dont want to ruin that for him. lets just see where it goes... If it gets worse then we'll have to tell him

Andrea: don't let it go on for too long nic... i mean it. 

she bit her lip again as she let all the negetive thoughts surrounding that text flood her mind. She had no idea, who had sent them or what had caused them but she knew that she couldn't entertain them for too long, or the texts would become reality.


next update coming as soon as i can work out what to write.

Much Appreciated

_PaintedPyramids X

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