No. 03- Killer

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        Error was leaning against a tree. The tree stood proudly near the end of a cliff, as the cliff provided the tree with a clear view of all the stars and planets.

       Outertale was a beautiful place to star gaze, and personally one of Error's places to sit back and relax while the other cause their problems, and it's the only place where the voices would stop pestering him.

The view the tree and cliff provided was one of Error's places, as the sky was colored with dark navy blues, pinks, magentas, light blues, yellows, and of course, so many stars and planets crowded the canvas. It was astonishing, and so. . colorful.

But sadly, Error wasn't here to relax. Not at all.

Earlier, Nightmare had told them to go to Outertale and wait for him to chat a bit. This caught some of the members of the group, but went along with it.

Fell wasn't able to come with the rest of the group, as he had 'more important things to do' or just was asked to do more bullshit for his 'boss'.

Error was there first, so he got some time to himself.

Error's outfit wasn't any different from any sanses', just a few adjustments and different clothing styles. But his color palette, oh boy, was it incredibly different then the rest, let alone that he has 'ERRORS' all around himself and always glitches.

Error's bone color wasn't white, quite the opposite. His eye-sockets had the background of red, as his eyes were mismatched, the eye-light on the right held a full size, with the main color of dark blue, with yellow lining tracing the eye-lights, and a black core. The other eye was a small dot, with jus the consent of yellow. His eye sockets had blue tears painted on as the tears look like strings, they reached the chin till they stopped. His teeth was slitty colored.

Over all, the majority of Error's bones were black, withdraw the red legs, and that his fingertips were multi-colored.

His finger tips were, as noted, different then the rest, the odd ball out if you please. His palms were the usual black, but his finger tips then turned into a bright red, like his legs, and then at the tips, the color red vanished and was replaced by the color yellow.

quite odd color palette if you look at it too hard.

Error's clothing was a different story.

He wore a coat- like jacket, with the folds on two triangles near the top front. The coat help a yellow golden like lining to it, as it trimmed through the coat. The coat went down till his mid-thigh. The coats leaves had stitches on them as the black coat dimmed lighter to a dark blue at the ends. The stitches went around the sleeve at were the gradient starts.

Underneath the coat was a curl-neck sweater, with the same red color.

He wore long pants the held the same design as the coat sleeves. The right pant leg was all the way down, which was over the knee by a good 5 inches. The left pant leg was stitched to stay up, as it only stopped at the knee.

His shoe of choice is questionable, but he wore sandals, showing off his red colored legs and feet.

To top it off, he wore a dark blue scarf around his neck, as it curled around his neck, one side of the scarf was hanging in the front, while the other dangled on his back, reached above his knee bone.

Error observed Outertale's surroundings.

It's quite the odd choice for Nightmare to pick this place, out of all of the places they could've gone to, like Underfell, Mafiatale, but Error wasn't complaining.

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