No. 08- Where?

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Thats all Killer could see.

The forever crying skeleton's head pounded like getting hit with a wall over a thousand times, it hurt like hell.

The rather quiet skeleton felt his body laying on something rather. . . plush. Whatever he was laying on felt velvety, a soft material that held dignity, it felt fancy and brand new.

The tall skeleton usually sat on this type of fabric back at nightmare's mansion, but Killer knew more then what he had described. Killer knew he wasn't back at Nightmare's place, the place didn't feel emotional or negative. The place felt relaxed with slight tension lacing over the relaxation.

Killer finally felt his body move upwards from the fabric, the white-boned skeleton felt his body ache in mild pain, like he haven't moved in forever.

The male's eye-sockets were blurry at first, since he was laying down, head facing the fabric. His eye-sockets grew less blurry as the more he looked around, like he was putting on glasses.

The shapes took definition once Killer's vision progressed, and soon the once blurry shapes were things that held fancy designs and everything around the skeleton was old fashioned.

He had soon realized that he was laying on a fainting couch. The couch had what all the usual features, the raised end, fancy back board on the side, etc. The couch was a dark scarlet red, as it was holding plenty of pillows on the end board, along with others leaning at it's legs like a child would with his/her mother.

Killer looked away from the couch to be met with four other skeletons laying down in different parts of the room.

Now that the room been mentioned, the room was rather huge. The width and length of the room wasn't what made the room large, it was the height. the ceiling was high up, with a glass roof, and large beams sprout from it and the breams touched the ground, keeping the top from crashing down on them.

The see-through ceiling, known as a glass ceiling, made a clearing to show that it was nighttime, as the moonlight fought its way through and danced around the room, adding the natural light. Candles hing from the wall, as if they were in a medieval castle. There were no electric lights, countered with no light switches anywhere; though there were a box of matches facing downwards on the table next to Nightmare and Cross.

The fancy room was open, high openings to other rooms available, with a rather large and tall staircase leading to the next floor. By Killer's view, he could see a second flight of stairs in the same hallway the first stack lead to.

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