A/N- What's popping

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What's up gamers-

So, I know y'all are waiting patiently for No.16 to arrive and I really appreciate that.

However, with my current situation- it'll be much more difficult to get things done.

I have begun school and I'll be quite busy with a lot of the work.

I am currently moving- as I'm writing this while I'm on an air mattress.

I don't have access to my computer. It's much more difficult to write on phone in my opinion.

I hate making A/Ns so please forgive me for this, but I thought it'd be appropriate to address this out so I doesn't seem like this book is discontinued.

  I have multiple plans for this book, and I already have an ending that'll match this book's style a lot- it might even trip y'all up.


      Goodnight Gamers-


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