No. 13- Disappearance of two

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Six skeletons sat on different couches, pared in twos. Few held displeased expressions while others were alright with picks. Horror and Lust sat together on one of the smaller couches, the two pressed together closely due to the small size. Neither of them complained though.

Two the right of them is Killer and Dream on a larger couch, at a decent distance. Killer looked rather annoyed with his pairing, and his reasons were quite obvious.

Killer had wanted to pair up with Nightmare, but he should've second guessed his luck because as soon as he was able to get past a few of the fellow skeletons in his way, Nightmare was nowhere to be found, as well as Cross. He then got paired up with Nightmare's twin instead, Dream. He didn't even get to partner up with at least someone he knew! This was unfair in his book!

Either way, he knew his chances were small, even if Cross and Nightmare hadn't left without them. The two have been...touchy and nice to each other lately. And the more he thought about it, he saw hints of this a few years's just been stronger now for some reason...They couldn't be together- That's impossible and he knows that!

Killer sighed, put his skeletal hands up to his forehead, trying to clear those thoughts. "You think you're going to be alright?" Horror questioned Killer, worrying slightly for one of his pals.

"...I'll be fine." Killer gave a blunt answer, as he usually does, just less formal from possible stress and with the new situation at hand.

"If you say so Kills." The bloodied skeleton looked over at Lust after finishing his sentence.

"Alright everyone! We're heading out! We'll see you soon!" Blue yelled cheerfully as Dust was at his side. The two were already getting ready once they met up and declared each other as partners. Though, even with Blue's happy attitude and all, Killer could see Dust mouth 'If we do see each other again' slightly.

Everyone seems to be taking this as they're going to die here, they shouldn't have to worry so much, it's just a house for pete's sake- they've dealt with worse. There's nothing to fear. Perhaps the atmosphere could be the cause for some of the fear here for few. The air felt dusty, even with everything clean of dust, and the patterns on the walls seemed a bit grim and crazy, as nothing was just one color or the normal design like stripes and polka dots.

Instead everything had these intense and crowded designs, and few had dead animals or even people as designs, it was like a freak show honestly.

But with that, Dust and Blue headed out the door, heading for the right hallway then the left. They obviously wanted to see what was down here first.

Ink had already left and most likely caught up with Error with whatever he was looking, didn't he talk about this weird inside wall staircase for the chandelier and a weird attic? Whatever, that's their problem now.

"Well, we better head out too. We're checking out the second floor just to let you two know." Horror addressed to Killer and Dream. Dream nodded and Killer looked up at Horror. "Don't die on me if some horrible monster lives here or some shit ok?" The more intimidating one put his hand to a fist and put it in front of Killer.

"Say it's a promise." The black teared skeleton spoke back. He fulfilled the fist bump as his hand clutched onto itself and hit horror's hand in the same position. The bloodied one chuckled as confident Lust and Cocky Horror leave the room and started traveling up the stairs.

-Doors-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora