No. 12- Flower meeting

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"So what should we do? Sitting here is driving me more insane then I'm already am."

Majority of the skeletons looked over at Dust who was getting ready to just get up and go. "We should split up into groups so we can cover more ground and so it'll be less stressful than a whole group of like 20 skeletons at once." Ink suggested, adjusting his scarf slightly. A few of the skeletons nodded while others stayed silent, unsure to trust one another fully.

Cross stayed by Nightmare's side the whole time, watching over everyone silently. There was no need for him to be speaking at the moment, not that he has much to say either way. He just wanted to get out of here and go somewhere he can call home, maybe stay with Nightmare a little bit more. "Splitting up wouldn't be the worst idea really. As Ink said, it'll most likely be better for everyone so we have less things to have to argue over." While Nightmare was saying the last part, he looked over at Horror to Dust with a glint of a harsh glare.

Cross nodded, agreeing with Nightmare. He saw a few others like Killer, Blue and Lust also nodding their heads.

"As long as I don't have to work with Him, I'll be fine." Horror pointed over at Dust as he spoke. It would be much wiser to not group Dust and Horror together, especially when the group saw them arguing harshly. Dust just rolled his eye-lights at Horror's comment.

"So let's just get into groups shall we?" Killer added on, wanting to just get up and look around.

"We'll split up into two groups, that way we won't have an odd number group." Lust commented, not wanting people to get mixed up on what the groups should be like number wise.

Cross stood his ground as he stayed right next to Nightmare, as the taller had the same idea. The skeletons that didn't even have a plan on who they'd be teaming up as were kinda moving around...a lot. Nightmare got Cross's attention by poking him with a tentacle. He moved his head back in a direction, as the white and blacked dressed skeleton got the message. They wouldn't mind if the two of them get...a head start of looking around, right?


A god laid down on a flower bed of roses, with their thorns cut nicely so they couldn't prick anyone. Although, due to this grim reaper's touch, the roses no longer held their bright scarlets and bright pinks of reds, instead they shriveled up like a dried raisin and grew a greyish brown that seems to make them stand out in an unwanted way.

The god of death groaned as he lifted himself off of the rather tall flower bed of now dead and crippled roses. A few rose pets were on him but quickly flew off with the wind when the deathly one made a move.

The sun kissed the soul taker as he looked up and around him. He was currently in a nice and well kept garden, other then the roses he had just killed being ignored of course. The trees were grand, some were thin birch trees in small groups while others were the classic oak trees and spruce trees with their dark and warm browns.

The flowers also varied upon types and species. A few daisies, others were the roses, a few sunflowers; which stood up taller than the rest. There wasn't one single weed in sight, or what he can tell. Life would love this place....

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