Chapter 1

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A/N: I want to say a couple things about this. 1--each chapter is deliberately short. 2--this book is already complete. 3--This is another M/F story. 4--it's an Adam story this time.

I want to dedicate this to NZHomeFry. I hope this makes you feel better!!

Adam knew his marriage was in trouble. He tried talking with his wife. He tried seeking counseling for himself. He tried marriage counseling with her. He tried tips, tricks, and everything in between. Still, his marriage seemed to be failing. He didn't understand what was wrong. She was his entire world besides the band. The band that he originally didn't even want to be in.

The band his brother had started. The band his brother had put all the blood, sweat, and tears into. The band that his brother was by his side for when they got famous. The band his brother said he was leaving after the tour cycle was over with. Adam's entire world seemed to be falling apart and he had no clue how to fix anything.

His parents were encouraging of Chris' dreams and whatever he wanted to do. Adam was just a footnote. They doted on his baby sister Tristin. They encouraged her, supported her, helped her through all her phases of discovering what she wanted to do. Adam was still just a footnote. He just wanted to be loved. To be appreciated. He wanted to be wanted.

As he was slipping into depression, he came across something that piqued his interest. A pen-pal program for incarcerated people. The probability of ever meeting this person was slim but perhaps having someone to talk to who was objective and not emotionally involved might give him a new perspective on things. Adam couldn't know how one simple gesture would change his life.

She had always been very family-oriented. From a very young age, she practiced martial arts. It was one of her biggest passions. She came from a normal, American family just wanting to be productive members of society. Her older sister married shortly after she graduated college. There was always something slightly off about her brother-in-law but she never said anything.

Her sister Pippa and her husband Jared came to their parent's home for holiday meals but Celestia began noticing minor changes in her sister. It was bothersome to her but she could never place what was wrong. Pippa would usually call a few times a week but that began to slow down too. Before long, Celestia was doing good to hear from her sister once a month, if that.

She tried to get her parents to investigate but they reassured her it was just married life and adulthood. After she graduated from college herself, taking a job as a martial arts teacher at a local martial arts school, she decided to go see her sister. When her brother-in-law refused to let her see her sister, she knew there was a problem. Upon hearing this, her parents decided to go back with her. Once more, Jared refused to let them see his wife.

The trio left to go to the police. Since it was the couple's home and they didn't have to give anyone entry into the home, there was nothing they could really do. Nothing had been reported, nothing had been filed against the husband, and there was nothing Pippa's family could file against Jared. Celestia was angry! Her parents, Micah and Angelica, didn't know what to do. They knew their oldest daughter was in some sort of trouble.

Celestia knew exactly what to do. She had her parents take her back over to her sister's house. When Jared opened the door again, she pulled him out of the house. She shouted for her parents to go find her sister while she "dealt with the threat". The ensuing fight on the front lawn caught the attention of several neighbors. So much so, the cops were called in. By the time they had arrived, Jared was barely breathing and blood was dripping from his mouth, nose, and one ear.

Angelica had found her daughter hiding in the closet battered and bruised. Micah was making sure Jared didn't have anyone coming to help him as his small, 5'2, 22-year old daughter beat his ass. When the cops arrived, she was still in fight mode and tried to attack the cops. Micah tried his best to explain that she was a licensed martial artist and was still in attack mode. She just saw the shape her older sister was in and blacked out. She didn't know what she was doing.

He watched as they Tazered his little girl, hand-cuffed her, then put her in the back of a cop car. She was taken to the nearest hospital for treatment since she had suffered injuries too. A broken arm, a few broken fingers, muscle bruising, a black eye, split lip, concussion. The cops had her restrained in the hospital until they could finish their investigation. Pippa was taken to the same hospital as her sister but was refused access to see her.

Once the cops finished their short investigation, Celestia was charged with murder. Jared died at her hand. Pippa cried but it wasn't tears of sadness. He couldn't hurt her anymore, couldn't come back to haunt her. Micah hired the best lawyer he could for his little girl. The family stood by Celestia the whole way through the lengthy trial. Pippa even took the stand in her sister's defense. The defense showed how Pippa was living which sparked such rage in Celestia.

After a three-week trial, Celestia was charged with murder in the second degree and sentenced to ten years in prison with a fine of $10,000. Her sister and mother both burst into tears while her father stared at the judge in disbelief. Celestia was shocked as she looked at her family. She was able to hug her parents and sister before being taken back to the local jail to await being taken to the local prison.

A/N: This is based off a dream I had sometime in I think September, lol. The idea just wouldn't leave me! I hope you like it :P

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