Chapter 32

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Luke called everyone, all the crew as well, to a meeting one afternoon. He explained that there would be a two-week period where everyone would have time off coming up in approximately two weeks. Naturally, everyone was excited to hear that. None more than Adam. Luke went on to say that there was an event the band were invited to as well as any of the crew that wanted to come. It was a black-tie affair but everyone was encouraged to come.

When Chance asked what this event was, Luke said they would find out when they got there. Adam couldn't stop from giggling. Looking over at the blond beatboxer, Chance figured it had something to do with Celestia. He quickly piped up that he and Sami would go. Rob then stated he and Kelsey would too. Austin raised his hand with a smile. Abe and Nate both said they'd go too. Luke turned to Tim who was whispering to his wife.

"We'll attend too." Tim finally said when he realized everyone was looking at them.

"Why should we go to some event when we don't even know what it's for or who's hosting it?" Jenika hissed.

"Because you're being asked to attend by someone who considers most of you a friend." Luke retorted, doing his best to not roll his eyes at the blond.

"And who would that be?" Jenika narrowed her eyes.

"Where are going for this event?" Rob asked.

"Texas." Luke stated, "The event is during the evening and food will be provided. I just need to know how many people are going so that hotel arrangements can be made."

Cole, Allen, and Frank all said they'd love to go too making Luke write down their names. They talked about a few more things before Luke was done. Jenika was very suspicious of this little gathering and whined to her husband about why they should bother attending. Tim just blew her off as they headed off to do their sound check for the day.

One month. That's all she had left to do. Thirty days and a wake up. Then she'd get to see her family and her amazing fiancé. She would then be a married woman. There was already a job waiting on her. A job she was nervous but excited to take. A job that would take her all over the world. A job that would allow her to be with her husband 24/7 and let her see him do his thing anytime she wanted.

Just thirty days and a wake up. She could do it. She's survived the last five years in this hell hole. She's survived nearly ten years in prison. This was just a short time to wait now. Her last month people wanted to mess with her. She tried to avoid getting into fights knowing that could delay her getting out. Eventually she had to contact the warden. Hearing her case, she was put into solitary confinement for her last month.

Everything she owned in her cell was taken into lock up where she could retrieve it upon release. The only thing she hated was not being able to look at all the photos and rereading the letters her lover had sent to her. Not having to deal with the prison populace, however, made it worth it. Besides, she'd be seeing him every single day for the rest of her life! It was hard to contain her excitement as she thought about her upcoming wedding.

Adam was even more excitable then usual. They all knew Celestia's time was almost up and chalked his behavior up to that. Little did they know what all was in store! He talked to Angelica and Micah quite a bit to make sure all the arrangements were ready. Hotels had been booked for everyone. Kelsey and Sami would be flying out the day before. Micah told him the house was all prepared and ready.

The blond man didn't know what to do with himself with all the extra energy he had. Even the fans noticed how much more energetic and animated he was. Not just during the UVIP's/VIP's, but the show and the signing line. He was much more talkative than usual. He even seemed to be posting a little more on his Twitter. He chuckled at the fans who told him he should cut his hair because he'd look younger with it short.

He sent Celestia several pictures of his long hair stating how he couldn't wait to cut it for charity but she had continuously expressed how much she loved the look on him and wished he'd grow it back out again after he cut it. She also told him she couldn't wait to run her fingers through it. Thinking of that conversation always made him smile. There wasn't much he wouldn't do for her. Tim jabbed him in the side, bringing him back to reality.

"We're gonna be late getting to the bus. You ok?" Tim tilted his head.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Adam smiled as he grabbed his bag and walked out of the dressing room.

Tim just raised his eyebrow before following his beatboxer out the artist's entrance and to the awaiting bus. Luke had some Chinese take-out waiting for everyone when the boarded the bus. Instead of hanging out with the rest of the guys after dinner, Adam headed straight to his bunk. It took him a long while to hang out with people again after Celestia had been sent back but now his behavior didn't concern anyone. They figured he was talking to her parents or something.

Adam plugged his phone into the charger and began scrolling through the photos he had of Celestia. He was never going to let her go again! Even if he had to beat someone's ass, she was never leaving his side! Each day he woke up was one day closer to seeing her again. These were the longest thirty days of his life!

A/N: Excitable Adam, how cute is he?! ^_^ How do you think everyone is going to take showing up to Adam and Celestia's wedding? ;)  Think there will be some trouble started? If you want to find out, please leave some feedback in the comments below. Voting and adding to your library would also be super cool!

Pen Palsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें