Chapter 39

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Celestia opened her arms when the band began to filter off the stage at the end of the night. Adam quickly fell into them before crashing their lips together. Jenika gagged at the sight making Chance and Austin roll their eyes at the irritable blond. Celestia wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer. 'I love you so much.' she whispered against his lips.

He pulled away so he could rest his forehead against hers and smile.

"I love you more." He told her making her shake her head no.

"If you're done making everyone gag, you need to start getting ready for the signing line, Adam." Jenika accentuated the beatboxer's name as she passed by the couple.

"What the hell is her problem?" Celestia rolled her eyes as they pulled away from one another.

"Don't let her get to you, baby. Just ignore her. Everyone else does." Adam laughed as he laced their fingers together.

They met up with the rest of the band who were wiping their faces and drinking down some water. Celestia just remained quiet as the crew began breaking down the stage around them. Jenika stated that they needed to get to the signing line. As Celestia was walking with her husband, Jenika told her she wasn't needed out front. The shorter blond glared at the obviously pissy woman before shouting to Adam that she'd see him on the bus.

Jenika smirked as Celestia turned on her heel and stalked off to the bus. Even as irritated as Celestia was, she wasn't angry enough to strike out. Luke was on the bus already when she arrived. He figured she'd want to be with Adam. When he asked, he was shocked but not really shocked to hear what Jenika had said and done. The younger blond went to change for bed then plopped back down in the front to chat with Luke.

"Just bide your time, sweetie. Jenika's gonna do something that warrants her firing. When that happens, you'll be hired as tour manager, ok?" Luke explained.

"I'm ready. Nervous about the job, but ready." She told him, "I aced all my tests."

"I have every confidence in you." Luke smiled.

The band eventually made their way onto the bus. Adam was instantly by his wife's side. He was worried she'd gotten sick or something. After promising she'd tell him later, he kissed her forehead then went to change for bed. Seeing Jenika glaring at her made her smirk. The smaller blond wasn't afraid of the tour manager. She never was. Getting into a fight now means nothing. Austin asked if anyone wanted to play a game. Chance and Rob agreed but Adam grabbed his wife's hand and pulled her to their bunk.

He quickly shut the curtain then attacked her lips. She began giggling making Jenika roll her eyes when she came to change for bed. His sexual appetite had always been ravenous but with Celestia, it became absolutely insatiable. He just could not keep his hands off of her. She didn't seem to mind in the slightest, either. Jenika made a mental note to talk to the guys and make sure they back her up on the "no sex on the bus" rule.

After a hot-and-heavy make-out session, the happy newlyweds finally drifted to sleep wrapped around one another. Adam had never been happier except when his little girl was with him. Tim was sitting on the couch reading while Rob and Austin played a WII game. Jenika huffed as she crawled into her bunk. She was determined to get the criminal off the tour once and for all. She had thought that five years apart would make Adam forget this little infatuation he had with the scum.

Over the next several months, Jenika doubled her snide remarks, rude comments, and giving Adam's wife the cold shoulder. Each time, the band and crew would give her dirty looks but Celestia wouldn't react to her at all. Adam had told her to take the high road and ignore the tour manager and that's what she was trying to do. It was getting harder and harder for her to keep her tongue, though.

"I don't see what Adam sees in that bitch! She's a hardened criminal! A murderer! He has to be fucking stupid or delusional to want to be with her. I guarantee he didn't tell his parents anything about their new daughter-in-law! If they knew, Cindy wouldn't have allowed Adam to marry her!" Jenika ranted to Tim one afternoon after their sound check.

She forgot the door to the dressing room was open and that her voice carried. The rest of the band and Celestia heard what she'd said. Even Adam got angry this time.

"Jen, just shut up and leave them alone." Tim rolled his eyes.

"He deserves better than some low-life piece of shit like her, Tim! What does she do around here? Nothing! She's fucking useless. How does she pay her way? She's probably stealing everyone blind and you're all too dumb to realize it!" Jenika went on, not realizing the rest of the band had entered the dressing room.

"I'm gonna tell you this one time and one time only, blondie..." Celestia stated making Jenika and Tim turn around to look at them, " my husband names, shit talk him or any of my friends again, and I promise you, you'll get a first-hand experience to what I did to my ex brother-in-law."

"Are you threatening me?" Jenika marched over to Celestia, "I'm from Wisconsin, we're tough girls."

"I'm from Texas, bitch. You don't mess with Texas. I don't make threats. That was a warning. Which you better heed." Celestia turned around and left the room.

"You're on thin ice, Jenika. If I were you, I'd heed her warning." Chance added in before following Celestia out the door.

"Tim, you're my friend but I'm asking you to keep this fucking bitch away from me and my wife." Adam growled as he stared at Jenika who's mouth was hanging open.

"I'm sorry guys." Tim stated.

A/N: I'm hearing thunder from that storm ;)  Think Jenika will heed Celestia's warning? What's gonna happen next? Read on to find out :P  Your feedback and votes are very much appreciated :D

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