Chapter 5

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Adam read over Celestia's latest letter with a smile. For the most part. Reading why she was in prison gave him a new understanding of his new friend. Hearing that she would probably be doing all ten years made him sad. He was actually surprised at how structured prison life was. As he sat there re-reading her letter, Tim was watching his friend carefully. 'What the hell is going on with him?' Tim tried to figure out.

Ericha was getting more and more irritable with Adam. He was beginning to come to the realization she was trying to force him into filing for divorce. They were sleeping in separate bedrooms and hadn't had sex in over a year. When you have a high libido, that's not a good thing! He had been trying to get her to go back to see another marriage counselor but she refused. He took notes of her refusal. Upon a friend's suggestion, he began taking her off things like his life insurance policy.

He was preparing for divorce and so was she. Chris had officially left the band and Chance had joined them. Adam loved his brother dearly. He thought the loss of his brother in the band would leave this gaping hole for him. The beatboxer was wrong. As they performed with Chance, he started to realize he'd been living in his brother's shadow most of his life. It was his time to shine. This was his band now. This was his baby. He was going to nurture it and put his blood, sweat, and tears into it.

Adam and Celestia continued writing well past when the pen pal program ended. They had become friends. They had become one another's confidant. When she thought there was a possibility of her coming up for parole, she was quick to send him a letter explaining everything. When she was passed over for even the chance, she wrote him and explained what happened. He always supported and did his best to encourage her.

When his wife finally had enough and filed for divorce on her own, she was the first person he told. Not his parents. Not his brother. Not even his band or manager. Some stranger, some murderer in prison. She did her best to comfort him as he dealt with the loss of his marriage and the roller coaster of emotions that went with it. His band was becoming increasingly successful and she always supported him with that. She even gave him ideas on merchandise and things.

After more than five years in prison, she was up for parole. Her parents hired a parole attorney. She wrote to Adam immediately knowing it would be months before she'd hear anything but said they were preparing her case to go in front of the parole board. She was nervous. Not just because she could get out. She was a convicted murderer. It would incredibly hard for her to find a job good enough to support herself even with the two degrees she had.

Celestia was a model prisoner. She held a prison job, she took college courses, she attended chapel services every Sunday religiously, and she attended counseling. She had never made trouble while she was behind bars, she had no criminal past, she had good references. Her parents were letting her move in with them if she were to be released. Then her attorney said she had a job offer. Except she would have to travel.

The parole board weren't too sure of this but contacted a few people to get clarification. Adam was incredibly nervous when he approached his friend and manager. She was a convicted murderer, after all. Luke's eyes just about bugged out of his head when he explained the whole situation and what she had told him about why she was in prison. The sandy-haired man could see that the beatboxer held some sort of feelings for this woman.

Luke promised he'd see what could be done but told Adam not to get his hopes up. Especially since parolees usually didn't get to leave the state they had been incarcerated in. Adam was praying hard. He wanted her to be released into his care. He would look after her, make sure she got where she needed to be, did what she was supposed to do.

Celestia was praying hard the parole board would grant her parole. She hated being in prison! Even if the job prospects were almost non-existent for ex-cons, it was better than being locked up! Her parents were praying. Her sister was praying. Everything they could submit had been submitted. Now it was just a waiting game. She continued to write Adam religiously. She had to explain the parole process and how now it was just a "hurry up and wait for an answer" game.

His letters kept her going. Of course, her family's letters were a big help too. This stranger didn't have to keep writing after the pen pal program ended. He didn't have to show her such kindness and understanding. They had become friends and she felt close to him. She found it odd that of all the relationships she'd ever had, she felt closer to this one man that she'd never physically seen or met before than anyone else! They got to know one another incredibly well over the last five years.

They opened up to one another. Their fears. Their aspirations. Their frustrations. Their talents and skills. She wanted to meet him so they could see what their friend looked like. He wanted to meet this woman in person because he couldn't believe a tiny woman had actually beaten a much bigger man to death! Their letters had begun to get a little flirty once Adam had dealt with his divorce and he had time to move on. He wasn't sure why he got flirty with her. Or why she seemed to flirt back. It seemed weird seeing it on paper!

A/N: Well! Will the parole board grant her parole? Who offered a job that she'd be going out of state for? What could be happening between Adam and Celestia? Drop a comment below on your thoughts and ideations ;) Any votes you have are mighty appreciated as well :P

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