Chapter 42

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A/N: Sorry, I forgot to update yesterday.

September couldn't come soon enough for Celestia or Tim. He was looking forward to the time off. Not that he didn't love his brothers. He was looking forward to seeing his beloved momma again. At the same time, he wasn't too happy at packing up and leaving the home he loved in Nashville. Adam reminded him that he and Celestia would be going home with him to help make the process go quicker.

What the bass man didn't know was that Celestia had enlisted help and they were just waiting for everyone to arrive at the airport. Jenika was asking what they were going to do when they got home. Tim twirled around and told her she was heading to Wisconsin to visit her family because he wanted the time alone. That sparked a huge fight between the couple. It nearly got physical, on Jenika's end, and Celestia had to step in before things went too far.

Jenika finally agreed to go home to Wisconsin to give Tim the time alone he wanted. Adam gave his friend a shoulder squeeze in reassurance. 'I'm taking Satchmo with me.' Tim growled as he glanced over at his irritated wife. Celestia hadn't seen Tim's dog and was looking forward to meeting him because she loved dogs. The whole trip to Nashville, Tim seemed to be in a funk. It hurt knowing what he was doing and that he was just going to be another statistic.

"Micah? Angelica? Pippa?! What are y'all doing here?" Adam exclaimed when they made it to baggage claim.

"We're here to help. All I need to do is go pick up the UHaul." Micah hugged his son-in-law.

"Celestia?" Tim raised his eyebrow at the petite blond.

"I may have enlisted some help. I figured it would go faster with more people working. Then you could spend more time with your family." She smiled shyly hoping she hadn't overstepped her boundaries.

"Thanks." He pulled her into a tight hug, "You're a great friend."

"We have an SUV rented too so that we can follow you back down to Texas. We'll help you unload your stuff." Micah explained as they stood around waiting for the baggage to come up.

"You guys don't have to do that!" Tim replied.

"Nonsense, son. We don't mind helping friends." Micah grinned at the taller brunette.

Celestia and Pippa were hugging in greeting as Adam was greeting his mother-in-law. Tim just watched the happy family's reunion. 'Why can't I be that happy?' he sighed. Pippa looked over at Tim and realized he was the man she had loved dancing with at her sister's wedding. She wondered what on Earth his wife was thinking in treating the man as badly as she had apparently been.

"You're staring." Celestia whispered in her sister's ear.

"He's gorgeous! What's up with his wife?" Pippa retorted.

"She's acting like a first-rate bitch because of me. She hates my guts because I'm an ex-con. Then she shit-talks Adam because he's with me. Tim tries to stick up for us and she just goes ballistic. She's got an ass-beating coming, to be honest." Celestia shrugged.

"She's gotta be stupid to mistreat someone like him." Pippa commented.

"Got a crush, do you?" Celestia playfully shoved her sister.

"Shut up!"

"Pippa's got a boyfriend!" Celestia sang making her sister's face flush.

"I do not! He's an amazing dancer, from what I remember he's really funny, and he's gorgeous." Pippa countered.

"Pippa's got a boyfriend!" Celestia sang making her sister stick her tongue out at her.

"What are you two over there talking about?" Angelica shook her head as the conveyor belt roared to life.

"Nothing!" Both girls stated simultaneously.

"That means they're talking about something they don't want us to know about it." Angelica retorted making Tim & Adam both laugh.

Once everyone's luggage had been picked up, they piled into the SUV. Micah drove them to pick up the UHaul. Tim and Adam rode together while everyone else followed them to Tim's house. The tall brunette backed the vehicle into the driveway after unhooking the car hauler and leaving it by the curb. Micah parked the SUV next to the UHaul in the driveway. Tim sighed as he walked up to his front door.

He texted his friend to bring his dog over before heading upstairs. The group followed him. Angelica asked him to show her where all his clothes were located. She would pack all that up for him while he showed the others what else he wanted to take. Pippa hated seeing the man so down. She was beginning to hate Jenika for making him feel this way.

There were movies and cd's he wanted to keep so Micah said he'd pack that stuff up. The other three continued to follow the bass man. They group worked tirelessly to get everything he wanted to keep packed up and loaded into the UHaul. His friend had finally brought Satchmo over. Everyone just fawned over the large, white dog making Tim laugh. The dog had taken to everyone but especially Pippa. Tim could only raise his eyebrow making her shrug.

It was late that night by the time they were all done with the packing. Micah suggested they head to bed and get some rest. Angelica said they'd go get breakfast after everyone woke up on their own. Then they should hit the road. Micah & Angelica shared one guest bedroom, Adam & Celestia shared the other while Pippa slept on the couch. She swore she didn't mind making Tim smile warmly at her.

A/N: Aww! Pippa has a crush on Timmy! Think anything will come of this relationship? Or is it too soon for Tim to be finding comfort in another? Please leave your comments and a vote below ;)

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