Chapter 24

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      I hope things are ok with you. Every day I pray that you're safe. Being apart is rough for us both. I hope that you're still hanging on for the day when we see on another again. That's the main thing that keeps me holding on when I feel like falling into despair. Tensions are still high around here and everyone knows it's because of Jenika. We can't fire her. Yet, at least.

      So, uh, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. I hope you know that I deeply care for you. I worry about you so much. I am intensely attracted to you. I hope you know that I love you. I wish I could be there to do this in person but this is all we have for now. I want to ask you a question. WILL YOU MARRY ME?

      I want to make things official. Permanent. I want everyone to know that you're mine and I'm yours. I love you, Celestia. I hope you'll say yes. I hope this will give you the strength and encouragement to keep going and to make it out of that horrendous place.

      If you do say yes, your mother had an amazing idea. She thinks we should get married the day you get out. Your parents would pick you up where you, your mother and sister would go to the spa for some relaxation. We all know you could really use it after that place. You'll go get your nails, make up and hair done. Of course, your mother will have your dress.

      I don't know what kind of wedding you'd want. I'm still afraid you're going to say no! You know I've been married before so this is all about you. Tell me your thoughts and we'll get everything planned and ready before you get out! I want to make this your dream wedding, Celestia. And I can't wait to see you all dolled up!!

      I really hope to hear from you soon. I really wish I could propose to you properly in a sweet, romantic gesture. I'm sorry it has to be through mail. I care deeply for you and as I said, I really hope you'll say yes. I'm not sure there are words to describe how joyful and euphoric you'll make me if you do! Until I hear from you.

      I love you,


The next letter Celestia got would change her whole world. She wasn't able to read it until the next day because it had been an overly hard work day and there had been a fight she had accidentally gotten caught up in. Thankfully, she hadn't been injured or punished. She opted to take the evening off from her studies. Instead of studying, she planned on reading a book after answering letters.

Celestia read over the second paragraph in Adam's latest letter multiple times. She couldn't wrap her head around the question he'd asked her. 'He actually wants to marry me? He knows I'm in prison for MURDER! Yet he still wants to marry me?' she closed her eyes and leaned against the wall to her cell. It was such a hard thing to comprehend for her.

Sure, they'd slept together already. Sure, they were close. She still couldn't believe he wanted to marry her. To give her his name. To let the world know she was his lady. Celestia didn't even get past the second paragraph before she was crying. It took her a while before she had calmed down enough to even finish reading his letter.

By the time she had finished reading it, she was crying again. How could he make her so happy with so little effort? How could he want to marry a convicted murderer? Closing her eyes, she began thinking of her tall, blond, gorgeous, friend and lover. The 6'3, muscular frame made her smile. Soft, honey-blond hair. Pink, soft lips that felt so good on her skin. The most gorgeous blue eyes that sparkled when he was really happy.

How he felt hovering over her. How she felt cuddled up to him. How she felt with his arms wrapped around her, pulling her close to him. The smell of his cologne. The smell of his body wash. All she had to do was make it back out of prison. All she had to do was survive day-to-day. Thinking of her lover and friend made her heart swell and made her feel special.

She tried writing Adam back but her hands were still shaking. Celestia cried herself to sleep as she clutched his letter to her chest. The next few days were a blur for her as she thought about getting married. If she thought getting out of prison and seeing her parents and sisters and Adam was the greatest day of her life, then getting out of prison, seeing her family, and getting married to the most wonderful man she'd ever met would be 1000% better than that.

She kept re-reading his letter over and over before she could write him back. As she sat on her bunk with her notepad in her lap, she thought about what she wanted to tell him. She had to write her family too and tell them she'd accepted his marriage proposal. It was much easier for her to write her parents and sister than it was him. Only because there were so many thoughts swirling in her head and there were so many things she wanted to tell him.

A/N: Aww! There's a wedding in the future! Will Celestia make it out of prison? I hope you're enjoying this story so far :) Please vote and leave your feedback below!

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