Chapter 25

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      Please forgive me for not writing right away. I was so overwhelmed by your marriage proposal I didn't know what to do. I actually cried myself to sleep that night (happy tears, ofc). YES I'LL MARRY YOU! I can't even believe you want to marry a convicted murderer. It still boggles my mind. I didn't think you thought that much of me to even consider marriage.

      Adam, just knowing that I'll get to see you again once I'm released is enough to give me strength to keep going. A wedding just gives me something even better to look forward to upon release. Baby, why do you think I'd say no? I am so grateful that you even considered marrying someone like me. I am so incredibly thankful that you ever wanted to be my friend.

      I love you, too. I feel closer to you than I have any one else I've ever dated. I care so deeply for you, too, Adam. And let's not go into the attraction ;) You mean the world to me. You gave me a friend when I didn't think I had one. You gave me an ally when I didn't think I even deserved one. You tried to give me a life I wouldn't have when I was released on parole.

      Are you in contact with my parents? Not that I don't love it, I'm just surprised some. I was worried they were going to blame you and Luke for me being back in here and that made me upset. I'm really glad that you're talking with my family! Mom's idea sounds amazing! Of course, I'd love to see you the second I get out but I guess I can deal with not seeing all day until I start the walk down the aisle.

      Getting pampered with my mom and sister sounds like a really amazing first day out! I think the last time I had my nails done was for Prom! I can't quit smiling at the idea of you really wanting to marry me. What does the rest of the band have to say about this? I've been so busy trying to wrap my head around you seriously wanting to marry me that I haven't even begun to try and think about what kind of wedding I would want. I've never been married before.

      Something...intimate, I guess. Something personal. I know that probably sounds stupid. I don't want what every other woman gets. I want something for us. I hope that makes sense. My favorite color is purple so if we could incorporate that somehow that would be really awesome. I'd be happy just going to the JP's office and getting married. Being your wife is all that really matters at the end of the day :)

      I do want Pippa as my Maid-of-Honor though. We have some family I'd like there. My grandparents, aunts & uncles. Most of my cousins look down on me for what I did so I don't really want them at my wedding. I'm sure my mom can tell you who in our family I'd invite. Mostly those who supported me through all this whether or not they agreed with what I did. Who do you want there?

      I love butterflies and my favorite time of the year is spring. I don't know if we could incorporate any of that into our wedding or not. Have I told you how absolutely shocked I was at your proposal? I still can't believe you actually want to marry me! It just...thinking about it fills me with such joy, anticipation, and...I can't even describe it...that I can hardly breath as I sit here.

      I can't wait to see you again. Not just on our wedding day. I miss you so much. Your laughter. Your beautiful smile. Those stunning blue eyes. That adorable laugh. Your sense of humor. Your nerdiness. How at ease and calm you make me feel. How you make me feel wanted and cared for. I never really knew what love was until I met you. We never saw one another's face until I was released on parole but somehow I was already attracted to you. Sounds silly, huh?

      I guess I should go. The sooner I get this sent off, the sooner you'll get it and the sooner I'll hear from you again. I will do everything I can to make it out of here again. There's too much waiting for me out there to succumb to things in here. Know that you are what gives me strength to keep trudging on. I love you so much.


She read over her letter then put it in an envelope. Sitting back on her bed, her mind was still reeling from the idea that he actually wanted to make her his wife. To share his life with her. To share his home and family with her. She had to make it out of prison alive. She just had to. As she sat there with her eyes closed, she began to wonder how this wedding was going to shape up.

What would Adam look like on their wedding day? She'd never seen him "dressed up" before! What will his family say when they find out he's marrying a convicted murder? Will the relationship be strained between her and his family? He'd already told her he wasn't very close with his family but would he care what his family thought about her?

Clearly her family had already embraced Adam. She had to smile knowing her family welcomed him with open arms. That meant the world to her since she and her family were so close. 'Perhaps I can give him the family he should have had all along!' Celestia thought as she remembered things he'd told her about his own family. She huffed thinking about Adam's family and what an amazing man they were missing in their life. 'Their loss, the idiots!' she laughed out loud.

A/N: Aww, she said yes! They've got a few years to plan out their perfect wedding ^_^ How do you think the band will react to the news of Adam's impending wedding? How do you think  his family will react? Or will Adam even tell them about Celestia?

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below! I hope you're enjoying this enough to vote as well ;)

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