Chapter 8

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The pair had told her how the band had gotten started, where it had gotten started, and about the other band members. She giggled, remembering some of the stuff Adam had already told her. All he could do was sit there with a wide smile on his face. He couldn't believe she was in the same vehicle with him and that she was about to go on tour with him. He had no idea what she looked like when they started writing, and her looks never crossed his mind, but she was fucking gorgeous which just added icing to the cake for him.

As Luke pulled to a stop in front of her childhood home, she gasped and tried to will the tears back. Five years was simultaneously a very long and a very short period of time. The house looked the same, the yard looked the same, the neighborhood looked the same. The people inside were not the same and neither was she. Adam gave her shoulder a squeeze as Luke opened up his door to climb out.

As soon as the first car door was shut, the front door of the house was opened up. Angelica ran straight for her youngest daughter and nearly squeezed her to death making the young woman laugh as she wrapped her arms around her mother. Luke and Adam just stood there smiling at the happy reunion. Pippa came running out next and engulfed her sister in a tight hug as well. The two sisters looked one another up and down, commenting on how they each looked and had changed in five years.

Angelica asked the two men to follow them into their home with a happy smile. When Celestia entered the living room, she was immediately hugged by her father. Luke and Adam both just stood back to allow the family time to greet one another. Adam had told Luke numerous times how family-oriented and close-knit a family they were. Once the family were done hugging, Celestia introduced Luke and Adam.

Luke wanted to get down to business but Angelica said lunch was ready and that any business could wait until after. He laughed and nodded in agreement. Her parents sat at opposite ends of the table. Pippa and Celestia sat on one side while the two men sat on the other, with Adam sitting across from Celestia. The conversation was light and filled with laughter. Celestia took her sweet time eating and savoring her food since it was literally her first meal out of prison. All Adam could do was watch her.

Celestia wanted to help clean up but Angelica said dishes could wait. Adam and Celestia sat together on the loveseat while Pippa and Luke took the couch. Her parents took their recliners as everyone prepared for the long discussion about what was in store for Celestia.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins and Celestia, she has been placed into my custody for her parole. She will be working with our band as our merchandise girl (Celestia gasped making Adam smile). She'll have an ankle monitor which I can use to check on her at all times with a special app. She'll have to check in once a month with her parole officer.

She will be traveling all over the country and sometimes world which is highly unusual for parolees to be able to do until they're off parole. I was able to convince the parole board to allow it. Well, that and her exemplary records. She did most of the work. Now, one of the stipulations to her going with the band is that when we have enough time off that we can fly home, she has somewhere she can go." Luke explained.

"She's more than welcome to stay here with us. Her room is still the exact same as it was when she..." Angelica couldn't finish the sentence.

"Ok. As long as she has some physical residence she lives at. I want you all to know that you can talk to her anytime. She may be busy but we will not stop her from speaking or seeing you. I want that to be perfectly clear. We're not trying to kidnap your daughter or anything. One of the hardest things for parolees is finding work.

Adam...well, he was a part of a pen pal program a few years back and they continued writing one another. The first time she could have been up for parole, he came to me to see what we could do for her. They're very close and he just wanted to help his friend. It was a long shot with the traveling but I guess it worked out for her.

Sometimes the families of the rest of the band comes out for short visits. Y'all are more than welcome to do that as well. We'd love to introduce you to the rest of the Home Free family. I don't know how much of why she was in prison she will want to share with everyone. I will leave that up to her. You will need to tell them that you were in prison though. Don't hide it, that will just make people suspicious and untrusting.

Hmm. I feel like I'm forgetting something." Luke stated.

"How long before you have to leave to go back on the road?" Micah asked.

"We're set to leave tomorrow." Luke replied.

"What all do you have to do today?" Pippa inquired.

"She still has to check in with her parole officer, do paper work there, get things set up, that sort of thing. She needs to pack for tour. I'm assuming all her belongings are here. Anything she needs like toiletries, we can buy once we get back with the group." Luke explained, "Our flight is rather early, unfortunately."

"Would it be ok if you left soon to take care of the parole officer stuff then come back here? She can pack and we can spend time with our daughter before she goes to work." Angelica asked.

"If that's the way you'd prefer it, that's fine with me. I wanted her to be able to spend some time with you. Five years is a long time to be away from your family and our schedule is rather hectic." Luke chuckled at the end.

"I'll make you a wonderful dinner then." Angelica beamed at the group.

"Thank you so much!" Micah simply said.

A/N: It seems the family reunion went well! How do you think the band will take to having an ex-con on tour with them?

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