Chapter 30

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Another year went by. All they could do was write one another. Adam sent as many touristy photos as he could. Their wedding plans had been solidified. All she was waiting on was another eighteen months and then she'd have her freedom and a brand-new life. She was excited and nervous. More excited than anything!

One evening there came a riot. As hard as she tried to escape the chaos and just get back to her cell, she wound up in the fighting. In prison, there comes times when you literally have to fight for your life. During all the chaos, all the fighting, the screaming, the sirens, all she could think of was one super tall blond beatboxer. 'NO! I WILL make it out of this hell hole!' she told herself as she pushed one woman off her and ran for the door.

Before she could make it, the door was slammed shut. Everyone inside the cafeteria would be taken to lock up. After they were seen in the infirmary, of course. She had sustained a few injuries in the fight and had to stay a week in the infirmary. Her punishment, along with quite a few others, was a week in "the box". She groaned in displeasure but knew she was helpless. There were others who had gotten much harsher punishments because of their involvement in the riot.

'He's going to freak out when I haven't written in so long.' she frowned as she was taken for her stint in "the box". It was cold outside and she knew it would probably be cold inside "the box" too. No heat source, no blanket, no jacket. It was going to be a very long week. She was shoved inside before the door was slammed shut. The temperature outside was close to freezing, at least that's the way it felt to her, and she was sure she was either going to catch pneumonia or was going to freeze to death.

Adam. Soft blond hair. Kissable, soft, pink lips. Expressive gorgeous blue eyes. Strong arms. Adorable laugh. Talkative and shy all at the same time. 'Lord, please give me the strength to make it out of this box and through the rest of my time in prison. Please forgive me for all the wrong I've done. I just want to finish my time and be with my family and friends.' she quietly prayed out loud.

She began to think about where they would live after they got married? His family, his friends, his whole life is in Minnesota. She's from Texas. Would he move for her? Could she move for him? If he moved to Texas, where would they stay? They couldn't live with her parents for the rest of their lives! Could she bare to be that far away from her family if she moved to Minnesota?

'I love you so much, Adam.' she whispered there in the dark of the box. Her mind drifted to their upcoming wedding. She trusted her family to make decisions for her that she would like. Celestia was just excited to see how everything would turn out! Would Adam invite his family? Would they show up if he did? How would they take her? How amazing is he gonna look in his suit?

Adam was going crazy again. It had been nearly two weeks since he'd received anything from his beloved Celestia. Jenika just rolled her eyes at the love-sick blond. Although Luke kept reassuring the blond that she was fine, he was actually very worried. He hadn't told Adam about the riot at Celestia's prison. The manager was worried she might have somehow gotten caught up in it or gotten hurt during the chaos.

The fans seemed to pick up on Adam's strange mood. Even his solos didn't seem as energetic as they used to be. Jenika picking at him only made the blonde's mood worse. It was a vicious cycle. Luke had to pull Jenika aside several times to "have a little chat" with her about her comments towards Adam and Celestia. Even the crew were starting to turn their backs towards the tour manager.

She was finding herself alone more and more as Tim went out with the band or crew. That just fueled her anger towards Celestia. Jenika blamed the convict for all her marital and social problems even though the smaller blond was locked away behind bars. The more Jenika acted out, the less her husband wanted to do with her. Little did she know what would be coming down the line for her.

After Celestia's week was up, it took another week for her to recover from being in "the box" for that amount of time and out in the cold. She really hated telling her lover why it had taken her so long to write but she also knew he was probably worrying himself sick. The first chance she had, that she felt up to it, she wrote him a long letter describing the chaos of the prison riot and what had transpired with her afterwards. She kept apologizing even though she had done nothing wrong other than trying to defend herself.

Everyone could see the relief wash over the blond as he received Celestia's letter. He high-tailed it to his bunk to read in peace. Reading what his soon-to-be wife had written him scared the blond. He was afraid for her safety but there was nothing he could honestly do for her except pray. She did bring a few questions to his attention. Would he be inviting his family to their wedding? Where would they live after they married: Minnesota or Texas? His little girl was in Minnesota. She was the only thing honestly keeping him there. Could he work out living in a different state than his daughter?

A/N: Will Celestia make it out of prison? Where will they live after they get married? Please vote, leave your feedback in the comments below, and don't forget to add this story to your library so you never miss an update!

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