Chapter 46

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"Tim's gonna need make up to cover up those bruises." Adam sighed, looking at his friend.

"I'll handle that." Celestia piped up.

Luke returned with Tim's bag. He apologized as he said that everything had been destroyed. Including his phone. Tim growled angrily. Luke promised to get another phone and have it waiting at the next venue. That didn't help Tim's mood any. Rob finally walked in, gasping when he saw Tim. The bass man explained what had happened in his dressing room making the cuddly man gasp again.

Hearing the tale again just added fuel to Celestia's fire. Jenika was on thin ice with her for what she'd done to her friend. She wasn't on parole any longer so she wasn't afraid of getting into a fight this time. 'I just hope I can control myself enough to not kill her!' she thought as he looked over Tim again. Luke left the group to head to the bus. He needed to talk to the record label as well as his company about what was going on.

He hoped there wouldn't be any backlash from what was going to inevitably happen. Rob sat on the counter and looked deeply into Tim's eyes.

"I love you, man. This concerns me. I know you love Jenika, but buddy you need to think about divorcing her. She is no longer good for you. What happens if she gets angry with you again?" Rob quietly told his friend.

Tim sighed as he looked away, "I know. I know. I'm...I'm already talking to a divorce lawyer. I've taken everything out of my house that I want to keep and have it at my mom's place. Including Satchmo."

"Good. We'll support you no matter what. You're not alone, ok?" Rob softly said, squeezing Tim's shoulder.

"Thanks, guys. This means a lot." Tim said.

Celestia went to get her make-up to see if she could help hide Tim's bruises. Jenika was nowhere to be found, thankfully. She returned with the kit and quickly got to work. She wasn't a make-up artist by any stretch of the imagine but she did her best to hide his bruises. They all knew he'd be less animated and talkative tonight. It was only natural after what he'd gone through!

There was no hiding Tim's split lip. Luke came in and said it was nearly time for the UVIP's. Tim sighed as he stood up. He was immediately engulfed in a tight hug by Celestia. 'I promise you, Tim, I won't let her touch you again.' Celestia whispered in his ear.

"She's my wife, hun." Tim replied.

"And you're about to file for divorce. Clearly for good reason." Celestia looked into her friend's eyes, "Don't feel bad for whatever happens between me and her. I'm a big girl. I can handle myself."

Luke cleared his throat so she let the bass singer go. Adam looked at his wife who just smiled sweetly at him. She blew him a kiss before he walked out of the dressing room to follow the others. Celestia sat down and tried to figure out what she was going to do. She began texting her sister to let her know what had happened. Tim needed a friend. Someone who wasn't emotionally invested in the situation like she was. Although she was sure he had other friends and people to turn to, she somehow thought talking with her sister would help.

Pippa was very angry at what her sister told her. Celestia asked her to text him whenever he got the new phone. She could hear Jenika ranting and raving about how Tim was having an affair with her. She gasped at the accusations. Everyone knew better. She loved Tim, sure, like she loved the rest of the band and crew. It was more of a platonic friend love than anything romantic. Her love was for Adam and Adam alone.

After the VIP session, everyone gathered back in Adam's dressing room for a little bit. They still needed to get dressed for the show. Celestia explained the crazy accusations she'd heard from Jenika making several laugh.

"We all know that Celestia has eyes for only one person!" Austin did his best to control his laughter.

"Yeah, they've pretty much been together since she got out of prison the first time." Rob nodded in agreement.

"And we all know that Tim isn't the cheating type. Anyone that believes they'd have an affair don't know either of them at all!" Austin added in, "No offense you hot, Earthquake-causing stud!"

Tim had to laugh, "None taken. I mean, I love Celestia but in more of a friend way than anything else. Like I love you guys."

"We know, Timmy." Chance smiled before turning to Luke, "What are we gonna do about Jenika?"

Their manager looked over to Celestia.

"You let me handle her, kitten." Celestia winked making all their eyes widen.

"Baby, don't do anything stupid!" Adam exclaimed making her laugh.

"I'm not gonna do anything stupid. I know what I'm doing. Y'all just don't let Tim go anywhere by himself. Don't leave him alone on the bus, ok? I'll handle everything else." She smiled.

"Celestia..." Chance started.

"I told y'all already. You do NOT mess with my family. Don't worry your pretty little heads about what I may or may not do." She winked.

"Guys? You need to start getting ready for the show." Luke stated as he looked at his watch.

"I'll leave the two of you alone so you can get dressed in peace." Celestia said before leaning over and kissing her husband.

She followed Luke out the door so she could talk to him. He knew she was up to something but didn't quite know what. When she explained what she was thinking, he was shocked and then started laughing.

A/N:  Now what on Earth could Celestia be up to? I'd love to hear your comments below! Don't forget to vote and add this to your library so you never miss an update ;) Many thanks :D

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