Chapter 48

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Luke was thrilled Tim's new phone was at the next venue as promised. The bass man was thankful that his SIM card was able to be saved so he didn't have to go asking for everyone's numbers again. All his pictures were still there too. He was setting up ringtones and the like while sitting in the front lounge when Celestia sat down next to him.

"Tim, would you mind if I gave my sister your number?" She quietly asked.

"Pippa? Why would I mind?" He raised his eyebrow at her.

"You're famous. Privacy is an issue. And I didn't want to overstep boundaries." She flashed him a warm smile.

"Sure. Why are you giving her my number, though?" He asked.

Celestia looked around to make sure no one else was there before turning back to the tall Texan.

"Because sometimes you need someone who's not emotionally invested in the situation to give you a different perspective on things. Sometimes it's nice to have someone to talk to who isn't in the thick of the situation." She quietly replied.

"I see." Tim stared at her.

"I'll let you get back to what you were doing." Celestia stood up, "Just know, Tim, that my family adores you. If you ever need a place to crash or want to get away for a while, you can call on us."

She didn't give him time to respond before she was off the bus and walking into the venue. He stared after her as he let the words sink in. Celestia was a very generous soul and he couldn't figure out why his wife despised her so much. He sat in deep thought thinking about his wife, Celestia, the band, and what was going to happen between them. He loved his wife but her attacking him was too much.

Celestia began to put things in motion after the VIP session. She made a snide remark about the way Jenika was dressed as she passed by the tour manager. It angered the taller blond which just made Celestia laugh. The whole rest of the night, anytime she was near the tour manager, Celestia made some sort of snide comment. Luke did his best to suppress his laughter knowing what Adam's wife was up to.

A few days later, they had just reached the venue. Adam was the first off the bus with his wife behind him. Jenika purposefully shoved the smaller blond making her trip off the bus, hit Adam, and then both Rupps hit the asphalt.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I was shoved. Hard." Celestia exclaimed as she rolled off her husband.

"What the hell, Jenika?" Chance exclaimed as he stared at his friend.

"I didn't do anything!" She retorted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I saw you shove Celestia off the bus." Chance mirrored her stance.

Adam and Celestia were dusting themselves off and checking over one another to make sure there were no injuries while Chance and Jenika were fighting on the bus. Tim rolled his eyes at his wife as he shoved past her to exit the bus. She went to shove him but stopped herself when she realized Chance was glaring at her.

"I'm sorry, guys." Tim whispered before walking to the artist's entrance.

"Jenika, we're tired of your bullshit! Either leave Celestia alone or find another damned job!" The Rupp couple heard Chance yell.

"Was this apart of your little plan?" Adam raised his eyebrow at his wife.

"No but it certainly helps." She giggled.

Word spread quickly of what Jenika had done. Everyone wanted to check out Celestia and Adam making Jenika huff. Adam said they were fine. Tim headed straight to his dressing room. When Chris saw Tim's wife following him, he made up a problem so she had to go fix it. Luke winked at their soundman earning a smile in return.

Every chance she got, Celestia would do something, a slight nudge with her shoulder, a cut down under her breath, a taunting smirk whenever Tim was talking to her. Jenika was getting fed up with the sudden attitude of the ex-con. Tensions were rising within the crew. Everyone began ignoring Jenika unless it was work-related. They quit asking her to go out with them or even letting her join them when they went out.

Tim wouldn't even acknowledge his wife nor let her anywhere near him. He refused to let her into his bunk causing several very loud arguments. Adam always held his wife close to him so she wouldn't bolt out of their shared bunk to confront the other blond woman. Jenika was a woman on edge. She wanted to lash out at Celestia and Tim. Her every move was watched like a hawk.

Things were coming to a head when Jenika realized her husband was texting Celestia's sister quite a bit. Her abuse intensified. Name-calling, shoving, hitting, she even spit on him during a few arguments. The more Jenika harassed him, the more he talked to his friend's sister. He and Pippa had started to become close. She was a great listener when ranted about his crazy wife.

The more Jenika harassed and mistreated him, the more he found himself turning to his friend's sister. He hated admitting that Celestia had been right about talking to someone not emotionally involved in the problem. Pippa gave him a different perspective since she wasn't there and some pretty good advice. She of all people knew what it was like having an abusive spouse. She gave him tips and tricks on how to survive and still urged him to not keep things to himself.

The more Tim was on his phone texting, the angrier and more jealous Jenika became. It was a vicious cycle. Tim explained the situation to his mother who urged him to file for divorce. She was very angry at what her son was confessing about his wife. Although Dena Foust was not a violent woman, she did tell her son that she hoped Jenika got as good as she was giving to her son making him gasp.

A/N: Well, what's gonna happen next? O.O I'd love to hear your feedback. Please don't forget to vote and add this to your library so you never miss an update ^_^

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