Chapter 27

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Celestia was doing her best to survive. They wrote one another religiously. Not just to plan their wedding but it kept them connected. Two long years after she'd been sent back, she got into a fight. New blood had come to the cell block and wanted to prove themselves. Picking a fight, in prison, with a master martial artist is not the smartest thing in the world to do. To her surprise, the new bloods were sticking together.

In her fight with the one who initially attacked her, she was stabbed in her side with something. Because adrenaline was pumping at the time, she didn't feel it. She got her initial attacker unconscious then turned her attention to the one who'd stabbed her. The other inmates were just watching as if they were witnessing a live-action movie. The second one tried to stab her again but by the time that happened, guards had come rushing in. Both women were Tazered, put in shackles, then brought to a holding cell.

Celestia wound up having to spend two days in the infirmary and got five stitches in her side. After that, she was sent to spend three days in "the box". It was different from solitary confinement. That was just a smaller cell away with one bunk from the main cell block. "The box" was something totally different. You couldn't stand up to your full height, you could only stand up on your knees. Spreading your arms straight out to your sides, your palms would rest against the sides. You weren't able to sit with your back to the back wall and stretch your legs out in front of you. That's how small "the box" was.

It was pitch black with no lighting or windows. The floor was concrete and you weren't given a blanket or pillow. All you had was yourself and the concrete floor. When you were in the "the box", you were only given bread and water for each meal. Two slices of white bread and an 8oz cup of room temperature water. "The box" was not somewhere you really wanted to be. Celestia hated being put in it but she had to take her punishment. The only thing that made her time bearable was knowing the two new bloods were being put in one as well.

There wasn't much ventilation although they were sitting outside in the hot sun. Inside "the box" was very stuffy. She was sweating profusely and prayed she'd even make it out in three days. Other women had actually died inside them before. 'I have too much to live for to die in this damned box!' she thought bitterly, 'I have to see Adam again! He wants to make me his wife! We...we'll be touring together. Seeing the world.'

Three days never felt as long as it did inside "the box". The door was finally opened and she was told to exit slowly. Celestia crawled out then stood up on shaky legs. She was shackled with the ones that connected the wrists and ankles then taken back to her single cell. She was very grateful she didn't have to share her cell with anyone else! Celestia laid down and stretched out on her cot, very thankful she could actually stretch her legs out once more. Her side hurt but there was nothing she could do about it.

Tim and Jenika's fighting was getting worse. They weren't just fighting when they were alone, now it was spilling to when the rest of the band were around. Tim was trying to be diplomatic but Jenika's utter hatred over a woman who had done her no wrong was beginning to get on his nerves. His annoyance with his wife had driven such a wedge between them that Tim even refused to have sex with her anymore. Luke was a bit shocked when the bass man actually asked to room in with one of the guys instead of his wife.

Adam was getting very nervous. He hadn't heard from Celestia in a while and he'd already sent her a letter. Hearing Jenika's snide remarks calling the beatboxer a "pussy" and "not really a man" pushed Tim over the edge. He pushed the blond up against the wall with his forearm pressed against her throat. Her eyes were wide as she stared into the black orbs that were her husband's eyes.

"You listen to me, Jen, and you better fucking pay attention. If I ever hear you call Adam names or talk shit like that about him again, I will kick you off the crew. Do I make myself clear?

I will not put up with you talking trash about one of my best friends. The man has enough to deal with because of you. Your attitude is pissing everyone off. From now on, you sleep in your own fucking bunk. Understand me?" Tim growled, voice in one of his lowest octaves.

She shivered in fear, "But baby..."

"No fucking buts, bitch. I hear that shit come out of your mouth one more fucking time and that'll be it." He growled again before letting her go.

She stared after her husband like she'd never seen him before. He never got violent with her like that. He never called her names. It angered her that he'd actually side with the worthless, untrustworthy convict over her. From that moment on, Jenika completely changed. No longer was she the kind, joking tour manager. She became a mean, degrading task master. To everyone. Even the crew were beginning to despise her.

A/N: Well, whatcha think about Tim standing up and getting aggressive with Jenika? Think she deserved it? What do you think's gonna happen next? I'd love to read your feedback in the comments below! Please, if you're liking this so far, drop a vote as well. It's much appreciated ;)

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