Chapter 23

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Celestia was happy she was able to get back to work with the laundry service. It took her a while to research what she would need to be a good tour manager and what would she would need to be a "licensed" tour manager. As hard as she tried to keep her nose to the grindstone, to keep her "eyes on the prize" as it were, she still found herself depressed and missing Adam.

Having him was, and knowing he was waiting for her when she got out, was enough to keep her from going "gay for the stay". It was also a huge motivator to keep out of other's conflicts and fights. Sometimes it just wasn't possible in prison though. She had her fair share of injuries in prison even though she was only trying to defend herself.

Newbies trying to come in acting all big and bad. She usually blew the "kiddies" off not wanting to get herself into trouble. Sometimes it wasn't possible and she'd have to fight back. Of course, both parties got into trouble but she knew it would happen. The bright spot in her dark and gloomy world were the letters from her family and from Adam.

She took every course she thought would help or be useful to her. Even if it didn't directly relate to being a tour manager. She took business courses, art courses, and everything in between. It not only gave her a distraction but a goal to reach. Adam began sending photos with his letters which he was writing more and more. She wrote back as often as she could. It made her happy to hear that her family and Adam remained in contact.

It did shock her to hear that he was going to be spending his Thanksgiving break with her family instead of his. Her mother promised to send her pictures of them all together. He was spending his Christmas with his daughter and brother and he promised to send her pictures of that too. Holidays didn't mean much in prison. It was really just another day although this year she did seem a bit happier than she had before.

Time dragged on. For Celestia and for Adam. They both kept telling themselves to just keep holding on. One day she'll be out of that hellish place and they'd be together again. "Just keep holding on for her, Adam." Luke continuously reminded the beatboxer. She did her best to hold on to see him again too. Their letters became more flirtatious after they finished telling the latest of what happened or answered questions.

The beatboxer finally sat down with his long-time friend and manager and explained he wanted to propose to Celestia. It didn't surprise Luke in the slightest. They had grown very close and had gotten to know one another incredibly well since they started writing one another through the pen-pal program. He asked what he could do to help making Adam sigh with relief.

Adam called her parents and after a long talk, finally asked her parents permission and blessing to ask their daughter to marry him. Angelica squealed in delight making Adam sigh with relief. Micah welcomed Adam into their family and said what a privilege it would be to call him son-in-law. He explained that if she did say yes, he wanted their wedding shortly after she was released from prison.

"We could have it that day. The actual wedding that evening. We can pick her up and then us ladies can go to the spa. Have the nails done, massages. I'll take her to have her make-up and hair done. When we arrive home, it'll be so that her father can walk her down the aisle." Angelica suggested.

"That sounds like an awesome idea! It'll kill me to not see her right after she's released but I know I'll get to spend the rest of my life with her." Adam chuckled at the end.

"You two plan most of it out and we'll do the rest." Micah told him, "Don't worry. This will be a day neither of you ever forgets."

"Just knowing she'll be my wife will make it memorable for me." Adam stated.

"Where would you want to go on your honeymoon?" Angelica asked.

"It doesn't matter to me. As long as she's there and is happy then that's all that matters to me." Adam immediately replied making Angelica and Pippa both go 'awww'.

"We'll take care of that too. Ask her the next time you write and see what she has to say about it though." Micah chuckled at the end.

"Do you think she'll actually say yes?" Adam took the whole family off guard.

"Absolutely! She's crazy about you!" Angelica giggled, "Trust me. My daughter won't tell you no."

Adam hoped his soon-to-be mother-in-law was right. Well, soon-ish to be. They still have to wait for her prison sentence to be over and that was a long-ways off. If she told him no or didn't make it out of the big house, Adam would be devastated. He had to admit, at least to himself, that he'd fallen in love with the convict. Despite what she had done, he loved everything about her. He just hoped his family would accept her the way the band did.

That was the next obstacle. Her meeting his judgmental family. His mother. His Aunt Teresa. His grandparents. Just thinking of it made his head hurt. At least this time she won't have to refrain from sticking up for herself! Adam laid back in his bunk and sighed. He was desperate to see her face again. Although he had pictures on his phone of her and of them together, it just wasn't the same with her locked up behind bars.

A/N: Do you think Celestia will say yes to his proposal? Will she make it out of prison a second time? What's going to happen with Jenika when/if she gets out? Please vote below and don't forget to leave feedback! It fuels my soul ;)

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