Chapter 39 - Easter Breakfast

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So... there I stood in the dark next to Jesus, as we both watched Pilate, Cornelius, Helina and this gaggle of the soldiers amble down the path. Each would stop periodically and look back at us; seemingly just to make sure we were still.... real(ly) there? Hum? We waved when ever one would wave at us.

"So, the angel says You can understand me now."


"And.... I can understand You. But... no one else can understand me?"

"Yes, correct."

"That is so weird...." I paused a moment. "When I talk, what do You hear?"


"Although You don't understand English, even though that's what I hear, when You talk to me?"


"That is freaky!"

"Freaky, radicle, cool beans.... dudette."

"Interesting." I nodded as I flashed Jesus a peculiar look.

He only chuckled a bit.

"So, how long does this last?"

"Until tongues cease."

"That wasn't a very definitive answer." I raised an eyebrow at Jesus.

"Well, you know tongues ceased by the time the writing of the New Testament was complete."

"Yeah, and people in my century have no idea what it was; even though they can read it there in plain.... text. 'And every man heard them speak in the tongue where which he was born.' It wasn't gibberish." I laughed.

"True; it was not gibberish and in this way you understand that tongues have not ceased, because the gospel is still going into all the world in foreign languages."

"And Bible translators still need interpreters from one language to another."

"Yes they do."

"So." Jesus suddenly switched topics. "Are you hungry?"

"Huh?" I only looked at Him.

"Cephas and family are making breakfast. Are you hungry?"

"Easter breakfast on the first Easter Sunday morning; and with Jesus too." I excitedly exclaimed as I rubbed my hands together. "But... what about Peter and John and Mary Magdalene?"

"We have at least an hour before they return."

"Really; Why's it take so long?"

"Peter is a little slow to convince."

"OK." I laughed with a happy shrug as my attention turned back toward breakfast. "Do they have French toast?"

"I don't know what that is."

"It's made with egg and real bread and cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla. It's gotta be squishy yeast bread though. Can't make French toast with unleavened bread; that aint gonna work."

"Well then, if you want French toast this morning; you'd have to go to a Roman house." Jesus chuckled.

"You wanna eat breakfast at Ignatius's?" I giggled.

"I already have an invitation." Jesus laughed.

"OK." I sighed. "So what's for breakfast; besides unleavened bread?"

"I don't know." Jesus shrugged as we began to walk.

"OK" I sucked in a breath as I launched into my next question. "So.... Let me get this strait. I talk to You, You talk to me, we understand each other. I talk to You, they don't understand me. They talk to You. I understand You, but I don't understand them; but they understand what You are saying to me because You are actually speaking in Aramaic. But if I ask you what they said; even though I hear You in English, they still hear You in Aramaic. So... it just sounds to them like You are repeating to me in Aramaic what they just said in Aramaic... or Hebrew.. or whatever?" I paused and looked at Jesus. "Right?"

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